Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An example of Palin supporters

Yesterday on Facebook I stumbled upon Sarah's Facebook page and a Fan bitched about Obama hosting a state dinner for China I sent him a message and this was his response!

David OteroSarah Palin
*** ******* January 17 at 11:43am
David, I read your comment on Sarah Palin's page about President Obama hosting a state dinner for China. Did you know that dear ole Ronnie Reagan hosted a state dinner for China back in 1985?
Sent via Facebook Mobile

David Otero January 17 at 11:53am
...Ronald Regan is dead, so don't be rude by speaking ill of him, by twisting facts about what he accomplished.... and by the way, this is the present, with a known person that has many many socialist and admitted communists in his cabinet of Czars...did you know that?
if I don't know you...please keep your comments to me like this in the public arena...or should I say it in a way you might understand ....
23 hours ago

Steven Smith We, the USA, has hosted state dinners since the beginning of our country. A great part of our country is spent on our relationships with other countries, whether we like them or not. Understanding our State Department mission for the US as well as our impact on the world may help everyone be less partisan on these issues.
23 hours ago · .David Otero Its reserved for Allies!!! they are Communist!!!!!!
ya Im partisian!!! Im a freedom loving American
23 hours ago · .Cockney Roachford Reagan introduced the first Czars.
I wish people would do some research before they speak.
23 hours ago · .David Otero he also helped to "BringDown!!!", Hard line Communism! wish some people would think for them selves before they pass judgement on what people know for them selves... are you people payed to baby sit Sarah's FB page and counter anything American or anti-Oblabla????
23 hours ago · 1 personLoading... · .David Otero Oblabla is an Anti-Colonialist, Muslim Sympathizer, Bowing,
Democratic Socialist,Progressive, Pussy!!!
23 hours ago · .Cockney Roachford Technically this page is anti-American if you know anything of History. Or have you forgot your the off-spring of immigants?
23 hours ago · .David Otero really am I?? wonder what my Iroquoi and Apache Grandparents would feel about that...Stupid!

So this David guy is Native American, so that means he can get free medical care from the big bad socialist government! What a fucking hypocrite!

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