Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My thoughts on the debt agreement-Update

The debt ceiling agreement passed the House last night and will likely pass the Senate today and President Obama will sign it.

Personally I think this debt agreement is terrible. While the debt ceiling is raised, the cuts are too deep and there is no tax increase for the wealthy.

I realize compromise is not perfect but this is terrible. It's not compromise when one side gets much more than the other. That is called taking it in the ass.

The Republicans in both houses of Congress should be tried for treason. In my opinion the real reason they dragged this out is because they want the economy to tank so the voting public has a reason to elect a Republican for president in 2012. Wanting the president to fail is treason. As much as I despise George W. Bush I never wanted him to fail, but I knew he would, and he did. Much more than I imagined he would.

The Democrats need to fight harder and all liberal voters need to get their ass to the polls in 2012 and vote them cousin loving Teathuglicans out.

What debt ceiling agreement would be complete without the Big Mouth flapping her jaw?

Joe Biden is absolutely correct. The Teabaggers are terrorists.

Update-I would be remiss to not mention I was inspired by Gabby Giffords return to the House Floor, even if she is not my Congresswoman. Another poster on another blog mentioned she is the Real Undefeated. Yes my friend that is absolutely correct.

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