Monday, March 14, 2011

Reason #41 not to vote for Sarah Palin for anything


From Malia Litman's blog 

Not all people who live in trailers are “trash.” Not all people who are poor are “trash.” Some people are born into poverty and do the very best they can. Those people we respect, but we don’t elect them to be the leaders of the country.

The Urban dictionary identifies specific characteristics of “white trash” which include:
2.Loud mouth
3.Their kids are out of control
4. Lazy
5. Hypocrites and bigots
6. Relatives or themselves drive drunk
7. Eat bad foods with lots of sugar
8. No morals or manners
9. Doesn’t work or scams the government
10. Gets married early in life instead of waiting until after college like most
11. Usually smokes, either cigarettes or illegal substance
12. Men often wear ball caps
13. Females are loud and obnoxious, which they think this makes them sexually attractive
14. Usually know of themselves or a family member who is in jail or has been in jail
15.  Usually have poor hygiene
The Palin family meets each of these categories.  They satisfy the criteria for “white trash.”
1. Annoying.
2. Loud Mouth.
3. Kids are out of control. Track has been linked to vandalism of 44 school bus. Bristol has had a child out of wedlock and was caught on tape smoking pot.  Willow has been known to vandalize vacant houses during a drunken brawl. Willow has also been known to use illegal drugs.
4. Lazy. She quit her job as Governor. She quit her job as Oil & Gas Commissioner, after serving less than one year. Before she quit her job as Governor she was known to come home and watch soap operas.  When she was mayor she hired an administrator to do the bulk of the work.
5. Hypocrites and bigots
Sarah has established herself in at least 71 different ways as one of the leading hypocrites in the country.
Sarah, Bristol, and Willow have repeatedly proven themselves to be bigots.
Sarah – Sambo beat the bitch.
Defending Dr. Laura’s use of the N word.
Defending Rush Limbaugh’s us of the word “retard”
Left Hawaii due to the number of Asian people.
Opposed the right of Muslim Americans to build a Mosque
Use of “Blood Libel” remark disparaging of Jews
Attempted to ban book “Daddy’s Roommate” relating to homosexuality

Bristol – Disparaging comments regarding Margaret Cho. Disparaging comments regarding homosexuals.
Willow – Disparaging comments regarding homosexuals.
6. Drunk Driving – Todd was convicted of drunk driving.
7. Eat bad food and especially those with a lot of sugar. Sarah Palin has attacked Michelle Obama for attempting to encourage people to eat healthy food, and encourages kids to eat sugar cookies and s’mores.
 8. Sarah Palin lacks morals. She lies.. She is unethical . She lacks manners.
9. Sarah Palin scams the government.
10. Bristol, Track, and Todd do not have college degrees and are not currently enrolled. Todd married Sarah when she was pregnant, and Bristol has had a child out of wedlock. Bennett, Lorenzo,Trailblazer
11. Bristol and Willow have been known to smoke pot. Palin admits to having smoked pot. Bennett, Lorenzo, Trailblazer.
12. Todd has been known to wear baseball caps. So has Track.
13. Sarah Palin has even been known to use a push-up bra to get what she wants.
14. Family members have been in jail. Diana Palin, Todd’s sister, has served time for burglary and child-endangerment.
15.  Palin fails to wash blood from under her fingernails.
Recent information about Bristol’s new beau, Giancinto Paoletti, (Gino)
suggests that members of the Palin family are attracted to people with similar values and standards. Gino uses the “N” word, disparages the handicapped, is homophobic, and appears to lack a college education.  Sounds like a match made in heaven.  The only thing missing is a double-wide.

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