Thursday, March 3, 2011

Reason #37 not to vote for Sarah Palin for anything

her vindictiveness.

We all know about Troopergate and how Sarah tried to get her ex-brother in law Mike Wooten fired from his state trooper job.  To refresh your memory here is Reason #5 which covers Troopergate.  But Troopergate was not the first time Sarah has been vindictive.

Levi Johnston, Bristol's ex-fiancee and father of her son Trip, had to request the judge in their custody case to make it open because he feared Sarah

Sarah did not get along with John McCain's advisors during the presidential election, so she had to slam them in Going Rogue.

Also in Going Rogue, Sarah slammed a former aide John Bitney, who had the audacity to have an affair with a friend of hers.

Could you imagine how she would act if British PM David Cameron or Russian leader Putin pissed her off?  She would go World War III on them.

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