Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bristol Palin bans Sarah from her home for being too conservative

From The Daily Mail

Perhaps moving all the way to Arizona from Alaska was a hint.

Bristol Palin has reportedly banned her mother Sarah from her new house in Maricopa because she is too controlling - and too conservative.

The 20-year-old has become increasingly liberal since her appearance on Dancing with the Stars, and is said to have had a huge row with Mrs Palin when she announced she was considering supporting gay marriage.

According to the National Enquirer, she has told her mother to stay out of her house until she accepts her new views - which Mrs Palin is worried could harm her own political ambitions

Bristol is hoping her mother will back down if she refuses to let her see her grandson, Tripp.
An insider told the newspaper: 'Bristol is completely rebelling against her mother - now that she's experiencing life outside of Alaska and away from Sarah.

She has opened her eyes and realised how sheltered and programmed she was.'

Bristol is believed to have developed a more liberal stance when she moved to Los Angeles to work on Dancing with the Stars last year.

One of her co-performers was Dutch dancer Louis Van Amstel, who revealed he was gay in a 2009 interview.

Bristol bought a $172,000 house in Maricopa, Arizona, last year, and moved there with her two-year-old son in December.

The long trek from Alaska hasn't deterred her mother from visiting, and last time she stayed the couple are said to have come to political blows.

An insider told the Enquirer: 'When Bristol told Sarah that she is thinking of supporting gay marriage and doesn't believe religion should have anything to do with equal rights for all, Sarah began fuming.

'[She] told her she better never go public with that thought, fearing it would hurt her political career.'

I'm not sure if this is true or not, the Daily Mail is a British tabloid.  And Bristol was spotted with her mother in Madison WI a few weeks ago.  However if it is I will give Bristol some credit.  However I would respect her a lot more if she would do the following:
Allow Levi visitation with their son
Quit the Abstinence Only Campaign
Go back to school
Quit grifting 


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