Saturday, April 2, 2011

Reason #47 not to vote for Sarah Palin for anything

Sarah suffers from a severe case of Narcissitic Personality Disorder

A person with narcissistic personality disorder may:

React to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
She has a fit anytime someone criticizes her (Family Guy, the bloggers, John Stewart, Bill Maher)

Take advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
When she climbed up the Alaska Political Ladder she stepped on many people along the way like Wally Hickel, Ted Stevens, John Stein, and Nick Carney. While campaigning for Vice President she went rogue, according to the McCain Campaign.

Have excessive feelings of self-importance
Since she was the GOP VP Nominee and the AK Governor she thinks she's important. Most losing VP Candidates fade into the sunset. Who remembers the losing VP Nominee from the 1876 Presidential Election? Or the 1957 one?

Exaggerate achievements and talents
Claims she got a gas pipeline built when in truth it never happened. She also claimed she never took federal funds for the Bridge to Nowhere when it was documented she did.

Be preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
She was a beauty queen contestant, is on FOX News all the time

Have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
When she goes on a speaking engagement she wants bendy straws, a private jet, and first class motels. Also while mayor she told someone she would do whatever she wanted until the courts told her she couldn't. And while Gov she tried to get her brother in law fired from his job.

Need constant attention and admiration
When she went on her book tours she only went to the red states, where people love her

Disregard the feelings of others, and have little ability to feel empathy
Totally ignored the residents of Emmonack when they had their fuel crisis. Showed fake sincerity when Gabby Giffords was shot and 6 people died in that shooting

Have obsessive self-interest
She is more concerned about her goals then her family

Pursue mainly selfish goals
Has a special needs son (cough cough) and two minor daughters at home but she is campaigning to be president and going on speaking tours. She also pulls Piper out of school for these tours causing Piper to miss her education

Yep Sarah fits each of the symptons. And you only need to fit five of the symptoms in order to be considered narcissistic.

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