Saturday, July 23, 2011


In my spam box here on Blogger I got a comment from someone who disapproved of my Sarah Palin/sexual abuse post. I thought I would post it here, as it was the only negative comment about the post. Not sure if the commenter is a troll or what.'

If you are smart, you will take down this blog post. This isn't nice or funny. While you qualify your post by saying you this isn't true, this speculative post is just speculation. It is also libelous, and slanderous, and you could be sued.

If you want to question the mental capacity, mental acuity, or mental state, of a candidate or public figure, you can do that. Unless you make a very egregious or heinous claim that is patently false, the courts will protect you. What the courts will not protect is speculating about possible perpetrators, or saying things about minors. The mere suggestion can cause serious problems for you , and for the individuals you speculate about.

I am a blogger, a survivor of extreme sexual abuse, and a liberal, and I am not a fan of the former half-term governor.

Using the word 'cojones' is not sexual innuendo. It would be impolite to use 'balls' - don't you think? Is cojones disparaging in any way? No.

Willow Palin is a minor. David Letterman made a sexual joke about a minor. I would freak out too. Willow never ran for public office, and minor children are off limits.

Mrs. Palin did freak out over her new neighbor. And that fence, the eyesore that was constructed to block his view of the back yard, was a little over the top. The writer chose to move in next door, and again, her home should be the one respite where she and her family can relax, and not worry about intrusions. Reacting to that, does not support your statement that she was sexually abused. Even I could tell - just from watching TV, that he had a clear view of the bedrooms upstairs.

Gutless, limp, and impotent, are low blows. There are many male and female public figures that resort to gutter talk like that, reacting to unfavorable press reports. It still does not support your spurious claim. She hates the press, and feels they did a hatchet job on her. It's really the McCain campaign that kept her from the press. She should be mad at them. Regardless - this does not prove your weak point.

Were you present when the reporter interviewed Palin for the article, where she spoke of a bra? Was she smiling? Was it meant as a joke? Can you say what Palin's mood was? I suspect you weren't there. Using feminine wiles is nothing new, and hardly newsworthy. Men and women both utilise things to get the upper hand. Does that mean they were abused? NO!

You say she dresses "provactively" - I am guessing you mean provocatively. Here in the lower 48, I'd say she dresses very conservatively.

Generalizing about low self esteem, multiple sexual partners, and her Dad, is morally repugnant. Sexual abuse destroys people's souls. It takes years and years of therapy, to even begin to get over it, and some people never do get over it. And I promise you - if it was her father, she wouldn't have a relationship with him at all.

Her Dad was a teacher, and seems like a very nice man. To suggest a t-shirt, or anything else you don't like, shows that he has done something unlawful, is ridiculous.

To anyone who diminishes abuse, whether it was physical or sexual, is irresponsible and just as hateful as the person you are trying to denigrate. Statements like this cause abuse victims to relive the pain, and creates all kinds of problems. If you have any intelligence, or compassion, you will delete this post and never allege this again.

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