Friday, July 15, 2011

SarahPac's latest report-oh this is a doozy!

From The Wall Street Journal Blog

Remember the images of the Liberty Bell and Constitution on the bus former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin used for her “One Nation” tour last month?

That bus wrap cost $13,708.44, according to her political action committee’s mid-year campaign finance report. The report doesn’t list how much Ms. Palin spent to rent the bus for the “One Nation Tour,” which ran May 30 through June 3. On June 2, the committee paid a Dallas Visa center about $26,000 for “Air fare, lodging, car rental and wireless.”

The report showed SarahPAC spent $1.6 million and took in $1.7 million during the first half of 2011.

The filing, covering the committee’s expenses from Jan. 1 through June 30, also lists:

–$5,794 on a tour of the Holy Land, guided by Sar-El Tours and Travel, when Ms. Palin visited Israel back in March.

–$683 on bookmarks from Nico & LaLa, a Nashville event-planning firm specializing in “swanky, southern and sophisticated,” according to its website.

–$27,850 for Air Partner Private Jets on April 15, and $7,000 in May on Republican Presidential Travel, another air charter firm.

 –$293 for a meal at Ray’s the Steaks in Arlington, Va., the day before Ms. Palin kicked off her East Coast bus tour.

-$18,700 in February to Young America’s Foundation, a conservative youth outreach group in Hendon, Va.

–a $5,000 contribution to Colorado Republican Rep. Mike Coffman’s campaign committee on Jan. 31. On June 29, near the end of the reporting period, the PAC gave $5,000 each to a number of 2012 Republican congressional candidates: Reps. Larry Bucschon of Indiana, Ann Marie Buerkle of New York,  Vicky Hartzler of Missouri, Martha Roby of Alabama, Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania,  Allen West of Florida, Sean Duffy of Wisconsin, Francisco Canseco of Texas, Renee Ellmers of North Carolina, Mike Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, and Sens. Roger Wicker of Mississippi and Bob Corker of Tennessee. Many of the lawmakers represent districts in swing states or are tea party-leaning freshmen elected last year.
-$18,700 in February to Young America’s Foundation, a conservative youth outreach group in Hendon, Va.

In case you have forgotten, here is that hideous bus:

I'm sure the Peebots are thrilled that they paid $300 for a meal.  Her income is way down too, and Barack Obama has raised $86 million for his re-election campaign.  I think it's safe to say her supporters are turning on her.

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