Friday, July 8, 2011

Here is the Trailer for the Undefeated

What a fucking joke!  Sarah is a Warrior?  That is an insult to warriors.

Apparently Todd is not happy over this:

From UK Mail Online

Sarah Palin was reduced to tears after her husband flew into a rage over her new movie The Undefeated, sources say.

The former Alaska Governor and possible Presidential contender cried after watching Hollywood stars take pot shots at her in the documentary.

Filmmaker Stephen Bannon included attacks on her from several stars.

In the film's first 10 minutes, The Bourne Supremacy star Matt Damon compares Palin to 'a really bad Disney movie.'

David Letterman, the late night talk show host, called Mrs Palin 'slutty.'

Insiders say Mrs Palin's husband, 'First Dude' Todd Palin is angry and attacked her for cooperating with the project.
One political analyst believes the film could ruin a possible White House run.

An insider told the National Enquirer: 'Sarah was brought to tears and Todd was livid after they saw the movie with a crowd of supporters in Iowa.'

'Todd said the film is going to give Sarah's enemies fresh ammunition to destroy her as she considers running for president.

'He told Sarah that she was beyond naive for walking into an ambush like that.'

Among celebrities taking swipes at Palin, who has just completed her East Cast tour, were Madonna, Howard Stern and Bill Maher.

According to the Enquirer, another source said: 'Todd is rip-roaring furious over the way this film turned out.

'He hopes he never comes face to face with the stars who ripped her to shreds.

'He'd like to give them all apiece of his mind.'

Jesse Griffin, who runs the Alaska-based website, told the Enquirer: 'Sarah Palin blasts the Hollywood elite as horrible people, but there's a danger voters will laugh at the jokes celebrities make about her in the movie.'

And of course Sarah got her panties in a bunch and bitched about the report on Facebook:

Obviously we’ve seen our share of media lies, but the latest fabrications circulated take a big slice of the cake. The UK Daily Mail reports that I was “in tears” as Todd “rages over Hollywood stars ripping” me in the new film “The Undefeated.” Huh? Really? The beautiful town of Pella, Iowa, was flooded with an army of media covering the premiere of this film. You’d think someone would have caught those tears and rages on tape, right? Well, here’s a video of the remarks I made at the Pella Opera House right after viewing the film. The emotion clearly displayed was gratitude to the filmmakers who invested their own time and money into highlighting my team’s record in Alaska. Todd and I were overwhelmed with gratitude, and we hope everyone sees this film.

In fact, you can click here to buy tickets to see the film, which opens in theaters on July 15th. You can also vote here to bring it to a theater near you.

MSM, you should check it out too. (You’ll learn the facts many of you have failed to report for the last three years as you’ve continued to do what makes you less and less relevant in our country’s discourse: you’ve chosen to just make things up.) There’s a story there, but you’ll never find it if you continue lying and carrying water for the powers that be.

Again, we thank the sweet town of Pella, and will forever remember the amazing evening we shared together in Iowa!

- Sarah Palin

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