Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sarah Palin-sexual abuse victim?

I certainly hope not, but by observing her actions and words, you have to wonder.

Sarah uses a lot of sexual innuendo. Accuses President Obama of not having the cojones to deal with immigration. Cojones is Spanish for testicles, or balls.

When David Letterman made a joke about Willow, Sarah got all pissed off about it and called him a pervert.

Joe McGinniss moves in next door to write his book on Sarah, she freaks out and accuses him of trying to look into her bedroom window.

She also called reporters limp, impotent, and gutless when they actually had the "cojones" to report criticism of her. Impotent if of course when a man cannot get aroused.

In a Vanity Fair article Sarah is quoted while getting ready for a city council meeting that she is going to wear her push up bra tonight so she can get what she wants.

She also accused Shawn Christy and others of wanting to rape her daughters.

On many occasions she has dresses very provocatively.

The Belmont stakes, wearing a push up bra:

An interview with FOX News, wearing a sleeveless dress:

Wearing leopard shoes at the Long Island speech:

Newsweek, then bitches that it was sexist:

Yet she did pose the same way for Runner's World. Did she think that was sexist?

Victims of sexual abuse are more likely to engage in sexual behaviors like promiscuity, sexual innuendo, and dressing provocatively. They also have low self esteem. Sarah has had multiple sexual relationships with Brad Hanson and Curtis Menard and she definitely has low self esteem.

Another interesting thing is her relationship with her father, Chuck Heath. He seems like a predator. He bought a shirt that said "Coldest State, Hottest Governor". What kind of father does that? My dad didn't even like me wearing Co Ed Naked T-Shirts when I was in high school and college.

He also made a comment about kids losing their underwear? Ewww!

And in Sarah Palin's Alaska he showed unusual interest in Kate's daughters.

One other aspect about Sarah is she shows callousness towards other sexual abuse victims, like making rape victims pay for their rape kits:

And she thinks rape victims should not abort their babies that were conceived during rape:

One of the reasons Sarah fired Walt Monegan as Public Safety Commissioner was over the budget. He wanted more funding to fight sexual abuse and going after rapists. Sarah said no. The other reason is obvious, he would not fire Mike Wooten.

I don't know if Sarah is a sexual abuse victim, nor is it anyone's business, but if she did she needs HELP!

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