Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bristol whines about Keith Olbermann's tongue in cheek comment about her being WPIW
Recently, a left wing commentator named Keith Olbermann attacked me for being a spokesperson for abstinence education and for being an Ambassador for the Candies Foundation, which promotes teen pregnancy awareness and prevention education. He went so far as to call me "the worst person" he knows, apparently, for my efforts to educate teenagers about the real world risks of premarital sex.

Accusing me of hypocrisy is by now, an old canard. What Mr. Olbermann lacks in originality he makes up for with insincere incredulity. Mr. Olbermann fails to understand that in order to have credibility as a spokesperson, it sometimes takes a person who has made mistakes. Parents warn their children about the mistakes they made so they are not repeated. Former gang members travel to schools to educate teenagers about the risks of gang life. Recovered addicts lecture to others about the risks of alcohol and drug abuse. And yes, a teen mother talks about the benefits of preventing teen pregnancy.

I have never claimed to be perfect. If that makes me the "worst person in the world" to Mr. Olbermann, then I must apologize for not being absolutely faultless like he undoubtedly must be.

To Mr. Olbermann let me say this: you can attack me all you want. But you will not stop me from getting my message out about teen pregnancy prevention. And one day, if you ever have a daughter, you may change your mind about me.

Bristol Palin

Bristol quit your fucking whining.  You are the Worst Person in the World.  You are knocked up again, spreading a bullshit message about abstinence.  You will not let Levi see your son, you disparage Levi in public, you allow Ivy Frye to raise Tripp when Levi is perfectly willing to help out.  And on top of that you act like a spoiled brat on DWTS, talk about giving the middle finger to everyone who hates you and your bitch mother, BTW you would be holding that finger up in the air a long time, whine that Maks did not like you, claim that you are REAL and Hollywood is FAKE, and comment that it sucks you got low scores on DWTS.   You are a bitch, a grifter, and a whiner.  Now get the hell out from underneath your mothers thumb (or some drunk sailor) and start acting like an adult.

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