Monday, December 13, 2010

The ugly head of Sarah Palin rears its head again

Now that she's apparently no lame duck, Sen. Lisa Murkowski said she plans to continue her effort to hold top Justice Department officials accountable for dropping the teen sexual exploitation prosecution of former Veco Corp. chairman Bill Allen.

Murkowski described as "wimpy" and "unsatisfactory" a written response by the Justice Department to a critical letter she sent last summer demanding an answer about why the Justice Department shut down its case.

Her letter was written the day the Daily News reported on the decision by a top-level Justice Department official, who overruled at least two of his own prosecutors. Two Anchorage Police Department detectives said the case should have at least gone to a grand jury.

Skipping school? If you're in certain villages, Mom may be the one who pays for it.

Courts in Western Alaska are now fining parents hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars if their kid misses too many days of class, according to court records and rural school district officials.

It's too early to say if the effort is improving attendance rates in isolated hunting and fishing communities that have long struggled to keep kids in class. And collecting the money is another matter.

But for some families, the stakes are steep; the bills are big

What does this have to do with Sarah Palin? Plenty. While Governor she would not increase funding to fight sexual assault and child abuse cases. And for the truancy thing, Sarah never sends her kids to school, she is setting a bad example for the rest of the state. Even if she isn't governor anymore

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