Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Reason #11 not to vote for Sarah Palin for President-Update


Joe has since lost the election, yet he refuses to concede  He has filed an appeal with the State Supreme Court

During the election at a campaign event, he had a journalist handcuffed When Joe worked as an attorney for the Fairbanks North Star Borough, he admitted using the computers there for political purposes, resulting in a suspension

Joe thinks unemployment insurance is unconstitutional yet his wife collected it

Joe got an indigent hunting and fishing license yet he may not have been an AK resident at the time and he owned a home

He thinks the federal minimum wage should be abolished, yet the Supreme Court said it was constitutional back in the 1930's

He wants to abolish the 17th amendment, which gives the voters the right to elect Senators, and not the state legislature. My feeling is that the AK state legislators all owe Joe a favor. The reason the amendment is in place is because of William Clark, who bribed Montana state lawmakers into electing him a Senator back in 1899.

A Federal Judge threw out Miller's lawsuit, awarding Murkowski the victory

This man is a nutcase, and $arah endorsed him.  She shows poor judgement and supports guys like this.  Lisa Murkowski was right, this man wants to repeal the past century.

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