Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Reason #6 not to vote for Sarah Palin for President-Update see #72


Only 71 here, but I will add on more as soon as $arah commits more of them.

For roughly 7 months I have been writing daily about the outrageous behavior of Sarah Palin.  In the multiple articles written, I have worked hard to document everything I have covered in each post.  Since we were introduced to Sarah Palin in the fall of 2008, we have learned a lot about the hypocrisy of Sarah Palin.  It is useful to be reminded of the multitude of examples of the hypocrisy of Sarah Palin.  I have listed a few examples below, but because of the length of this article, I have omitted the citations.  Please refer to past posts if you have any question about the truth of the statements below.  I bet you can think of others.  Please help me fill in the list and I’ll post an updated version by the end of the week.  Thanks for your help.

Specific Examples of the Hypocrisy of Sarah Palin
  1. Palin established a PAC asking for money from her supporters so that she could make contributions to candidates who shared her point of view. However Palin seems to have had a hard time finding any candidates to whom she was willing to donate money.  Of the hundreds of thousands of dollars donated to her PAC, only about $10,000 has been donated to any particular candidate.
  2. Vaughn Ward, a candidate endorsed by Palin, doesn’t seem to know any more about world geography than Palin.
  3. Todd took a leave of absence from British Petroleum because of the appearance of a conflict of interest.  When he decided to return to work there was still the appearance of a conflict of interest.
  4. Sarah Palin said that the reason Todd needed to return to work at BP was because they had kids almost old enough to be college age, and she and Todd were not independently wealthy.  The hypocrisy is that two of the kids are now college age, and neither is in college, and now Todd and Sarah are independently wealthy.
  5. Sarah Palin calls herself a “feminist”, but she supported the Supreme Court decision in the Ledbetter case, where the Court ruled that Lilly Ledbetter was not entitled to back pay from her employer, even though the employer intentionally discriminated against her, paid her less than her male counter-parts, and even though her employer hid the facts from her until after she retired.
  6. Katie Couric, a woman, did more damage in her interview of Sarah Palin, than a man could have done.
  7. Sarah Palin was probably picked by McCain because he thought he needed to pick a woman to attract the woman’s vote, but in fact the vote of women for Obama far exceeded that of men.
  8. Even though Palin knew that the Bridge to Nowhere would never be built, she authorized the construction of the Road to Nowhere leading from the airport to the edge of a cliff.
  9. Even though Palin knew that Wasilla didn’t own the property where she wanted to build a hockey center, she authorized construction nevertheless.
  10. Palin mocks President Obama for being a Constitutional law professor, but she was never even a student in a Constitutional law class.
  11. “common sense conservatism” is Palin’s motto, but she has no common sense.
  12. At the Republican Convention in 2008 Palin introduced herself as a “hockey mom”, but hockey moms of Alaska indicated that Palin missed most of the games.
  13. McCain chose Palin as his running mate, but he wouldn’t endorse her after the 2008 election.
  14. Palin told us in her book that “no” she would not have resigned her office as Governor if she aspired to be the President, but the reality is that she is quoted in Trailblazer as saying even when running for Mayor, that she would like to be the President.
  15. Sarah Palin is a conservative evangelical, but she goes to Las Vegas and horse races.
  16. The half-term-ex-Governor opposes drinking of alcohol, but she advocated allowing bars in Wasilla to stay open virtually all night, and Todd would drink in the garage of the family residence.
  17. Palin’s son Track served in the military and made it home without any significant injury.  Even though Palin supports the don’t ask, don’t tell policy, it could have been a homosexual soldier that saved Track’s life.
  18. At virtually every speech given by Palin, she points out the members of the military in attendance, and thanks them for their service.  She does not ask them about their sexual preferences, so the members of the military she is honoring don’t tell about their sexual preferences.
  19. Palin has repeatedly criticized President Obama but she wasn’t willing to finish her term as Governor of Alaska.  Thus a non-politician thinks it appropriate to repeatedly criticize the President of the United States.
  20. Palin was elected by people of Alaska who were fed up with corrupt politicians.  Now the people who know her best, Alaskans, like her the least.
  21. Sarah Palin is identified as the author of Going Rogue, but in the Katie Couric she couldn’t name a single publication she reads.
  22. Being a good Christian we would expect Palin to love her neighbor.  However it seems that having Joe McGinniss, a peaceful man living next to her, that has not done anything to bother Sarah or her family, is more objectionable to Sarah Palin than living next to people who were convicted felons.
  23. Sarah Palin suggested that Joe McGinniss was invading her privacy, but the only picture taken was a picture taken from the Palin house of Joe McGinniss.  In the picture Mr. McGinniss isn’t even looking towards the Palin house.
  24. Palin felt the election of 2008 was in “God’s hands”.  John McCain and Palin lost the election, so God must have wanted to make sure Palin didn’t become the leader of our country.
  25. From the night of the Republican Convention, Sarah advertised herself as a “hockey mom” but the hockey moms of Alaska organized a group of hockey moms who indicated that Sarah missed most of the games.
  26. Palin indicated that she doesn’t presume to know God’s will, but she did write a note to herself in God’s voice, and published it in her best selling book.
  27. The half-term-ex-Governor indicated that it is the entire family’s responsibility to ensure that all the family members had the health care they needed.  However when Bristol’s baby needed health care, it wasn’t Sarah and Todd who provided it; it was the state of Alaska and the federal government.
  28. Even though Sarah Palin has been an outspoken opponent of abortion, she hired Lynn Vincent to be the ghost writer of her book.  Lynn admitted publically that she had an abortion.
  29. Even though Palin suggests that she would never consider having an abortion, she did have an amniocentesis when pregnant with Trig.  The procedure of an amniocentesis carries some risk of a spontaneous abortion.
  30. Even though Palin made a point of saying in her speech at the Republican convention that she said “no thanks” to the bridge to nowhere, she originally was an advocate for the bridge.
  31. During the campaign of 2008 both McCain and Palin worked hard to brand themselves as “mavericks”.  However by the time McCain was running for re-election in Arizona, his identity changed, and he was no longer a maverick.
  32. Palin indicated she was opposed to earmarks.  However she hired a lobbyist while serving as mayor of Wasilla for the very purpose of obtaining earmarks for Wasilla, and he did.
  33. In spite of saying that she was opposed to earmarks, Alaska, while Palin was Governor accepted earmarks to study the mating habits of crabs, and the DNA of harbor seals.
  34. In multiple speeches Palin has indicated she is opposed to higher taxes.  However while Mayor of Wasilla; Palin was responsible for increasing the sales tax.
  35. Palin tried to ban the book Daddy’s Roommate even though she refused to read it.
  36. The very people hired by the McCain campaign to help Palin were the most critical of her, suggesting that she was mentally unbalanced.
  37. Palin indicates she favors teaching abstinence, but she was pregnant when she married Todd.
  38. Even though Sarah Palin has indicated that teaching abstinence is appropriate, her own daughter, the one who was an unwed teenage mother, thought teaching abstinence was not very realistic.
  39. Sarah Palin has been an outspoken advocate for the importance of family, and Todd’s family helped Sarah get elected.  However when Faye Palin, Todd’s step mother ran for mayor, Sarah Palin wouldn’t endorse her.
  40. Even though the Discovery Channel has been associated with programs highlighting the wonders of nature, and even though Palin enjoys killing animals, the Discovery Channel hired her.
  41. One of the television channels that hired Sarah Palin is Fox News but they often don’t report the “news”.  In fact Glenn Beck indicated that he doesn’t report the “news”, but he is a commentator.
  42. Even though Palin lives in a true wilderness, and one of the most beautiful states in America, Palin seems to have no respect for the environment of the animals of Alaska.
  43. While Alaska is realizing immediate effects of global warming, Palin still doubts the merits of the global warming theory.
  44. Todd was advertised as a “stay-at-home-dad” but he never seemed to stay at home.
  45. Palin uses the word “rogue” to describe herself, but that word is defined to mean a scoundrel, or a mean spirited person.
  46. Palin mocks President Obama for using a teleprompter, but she writes on her hand.
  47. Palin’s new book is about virtues, but she is evidently going to rely upon the philosophy and teaching of others to write about virtues in HER book.
  48. Palin’s friend who suggested she wasn’t taking care of her kids, was mysteriously killed in a plane crash shortly after talking to Sarah about this problem.
  49. Palin says in speeches that she wants to balance the budget.  At the same time she advocates an increase in military spending and lowering of taxes, which are both inconsistent with balancing the budget.
  50. People pay $100,000 for a speech Palin has given before.
  51. CSU Stanislaus has $93,000 to Palin to give a speech, but they don’t have enough for any scholarships.
  52. Palin has become recognized as an advocate for the right to life movement and special needs kids. Even though she has given speeches to these groups she charges for her performance and expenses.  She did make a donation of her time to the NRA when she spoke at their national convention.
  53. Trig is a “special needs” child, but his mom relies on someone else to meet those needs.
  54. In her book, Going Rogue, Palin describes herself as a “public servant”.  However the main service she has performed for America is ensuring the loss of McCain in the 2008 election, and resigning her office as Governor.
  55. British Petroleum has been the focus of people in this country, regardless of political ideologies, but Palin in her recent Facebook post, blames the radical environmentalists for the BP spill.
  56. Palin’s proclaimed area of “specialty” is energy.  However she resigned her position as Oil & Gas Commissioner after serving less than one year.
  57. In multiple speeches, and during the campaign of 2008, Palin characterized herself as a “real American”.  However the average American doesn’t make $12,000,000 in less than one year, they don’t fly in private planes or first class on commercial airlines, and most of us have to watch the Academy Awards on our television.
  58. Grandma Palin says that family matters should stay private, but she or her family received $300,000 from People magazine for pictures of her grandson.
  59. Palin indicates that we should all seek “divine intervention” but she must have forgotten to tell her sister-in law how to pray, so she wouldn’t have ended up in jail.
  60. Palin indicates that she would never presume to know what God’s will, but she did presume to write a letter to herself, in God’s voice.
  61. Even though Palin called for the resignation of Rahm Emanuel because he used the word “retarded”, it was appropriate for Rush Limbaugh to use the word because it was in the “satirical sense”.
  62. When Glenn Beck interviewed Palin and asked her which of the founding fathers was her favorite, and she gave the same answer to him that she had given Katie Couric when asking about the sources of her information, saying “all of them,” Beck said “bullcrap”.
  63. In the same week Palin was interviewed by Glenn Beck to talk about Joe McGinniss, and expressed outrage at the alleged invasion of privacy of her children even though Mr. McGinniss hadn’t done anything to her children, Glen Beck had devoted at least 10 minutes to mocking Malia Obama, the President’s 13 year old daughter.
  64. While Sarah Palin was named one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential people, the best person Time could find to write about Palin was Ted Nugent.
  65. Even though we may have suspected Sarah Palin was a racist, her own father indicated that her reason for leaving Hawaii, was that all the Asians made her feel uncomfortable.
  66. Even though Palin regularly mentioned Bill Ayers during the 2008 campaign, suggesting that Obama was “paling around with terrorists”, Sarah’s own husband was a member of the Alaska Independence Party for at least 6 years, and that party advocated secession for Alaska.
  67. While Palin was critical of Obama for attending church where his pastor was saying unpatriotic things, Palin’s pastor was in Africa hunting and capturing witches.
  68. Even though Palin didn’t support public health care, as a child she went to Canada for medical services provided through their national health care system.
  69. Even though Palin feels that the extended family should be responsible for paying the cost of health care for all family members, Palin’s first and only grandchild, relied upon public health care, because Todd was 1/8 Eskimo.
  70. In spite of the fact that Palin’s dad is a school teacher, she doesn’t seem to place much emphasis on education.  None of her kids are in college. Todd doesn’t have a college degree, and Piper has repeatedly missed school to accompany her mother.
  71. Even though Palin was aware of the fact that BP was ignoring safety standards, and intentionally risking the lives of its employees and the environment, Palin was proud of her success in converting Alaska’s interest from a royalty to an interest like that of a shareholder.
  72. Sarah slams President Obama for using a teleprompter yet she uses one herself for her show

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