Wednesday, December 22, 2010

So it is Bristol that is knocked up and not Willow?

I guess it doesn't really matter, the Palin girls (minus Piper, but eventually she will be) are just a bunch of skanky whores

While most people’s New Year’s resolutions usually include shedding a few pounds or quitting smoking, Bristol Palin reportedly has an entirely different plan for 2011–you think she’d feel burned but she apparently wants another baby with her new boyfriend, asap!
Is Bristol Palin the Lindsay Lohan of young pregnancy? ie she just doesn’t learn from her mistakes. It seems that the DWTS finalist Bristol Palin, 20, sure has been busy. Since making it to the reality show’s finale on Nov 23rd,  she’s been dating 20-year-old Alaska pipeline worker Giancinto “Gino” Paoletti , reports the National Enquirer.

What’s even more surprising than Sarah Palin’s daughter having a new love interest , is that the extremely vocal abstinence spokesperson, has recently changed her rhetoric when it comes to premarital sex. “Pause before you play,” Bristol now says in a teen-pregnancy advertisement that first aired in April.
“It could be pause and go get a condom or it could be pause and think about your life or it could even be pause and wait until marriage,” Bristol, the mom of 2 year-old son Tripp explained further to Good Morning America, last April 7th. Hmm, wonder how abstinence advocate Sarah, feels about that?
Although Bristol famously got pregnant by then-boyfriend Levi Johnston when she was just 16, that apparently hasn’t soured her on having another baby soon, according to the Enquirer’s source. “Bristol is dead serious about having another baby–and she hopes it will happen within the year,” says the source. “She wants to be married before giving birth again, and she is convinced Gino is the guy for her.”
Apparently, Mama Grizzly Sarah Palin is not happy about her oldest daughter’s new boyfriend–or the fact that she is hoping to have another baby so soon.  And for once, us Hollywoodlifers are totally on board with Sarah. Maybe the stress of being a single mom is just more than Bristol can handle – remember how she rushed into a second engagement to Levi, before he ran off to Hollywood. In any case, “Bristol doesn’t care,” about Sarah’s objections,  the source continues. “If defying her mom gets her what she wants, she’s happy to do it.”

Like Bristol, Gino grew up in Wasilla, Alaska. He now splits his time between Alaska and Arizona. When he’s not doing pipeline work, he dabbles in real estate. He helped Bristol sell her condo in Anchorage, and now he is helping her find a home near his in Arizona. They’ve known each other for years–and tongues are wagging that this is not the first time the two have reportedly hooked up. Last year, while Gino was dating another girl, he and Bristol reportedly had a fling, although he ended up getting back together with his girlfriend. While she was in New York for Thanksgiving, Bristol invited Gino to visit her. Gino told his then-girlfriend he was going to visit family, but when he got back to Alaska, he dumped his girlfriend and has been with Bristol ever since.
It seems that Bristol is not above the usual insecurities that come along with dating. When Gino recently went out of town, Bristol wrote on his Facebook page, “Don’t cheat!”

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