Thursday, June 16, 2011

All charges against Shailey Tripp dropped

From Shailey's blog

Alot happens so quickly. Last week I had my sinus surgery and this week I had my court date.
I was blessed today. My court date went great. The charges were dismissed and that was amazing news for  my life.

But now I am free to talk about Todd Palin. What was so special about me and him? Why was my name  put with his?

To put it simply Todd Palin along with other people recruit and groom men and women to be prostitutes. These prostitutes are eventually given positions inside a company and used to secure business deals. These business deals often involve obtaining military and government contracts. The people who use the prositution services are usually in positions of power.

I have witnessed this first hand and am speaking from my own personal experiences.

You may choose to believe me or choose not to.I simply do not care at this point. I used to think Sarah Palin knew nothing of these kinds of things but I've had a year to think it over very carefully, and I am now convinced Sarah Palin not only knew of these actions but went through great lengths to cover it up. I even go so far as to say I would bet the men involved around Sarah Palin's politcal career were offered to be treated to these kinds of prostitution services. I would love to have a private chat with Frank Bailey someday.

Why would I say this? Because it is wrong, it is horrible, and the people that are getting paid for sex services are groomed for these positions and stuck with it for a long long time. They are even made to think it is a great life and their idea to do it. It is very hard to get out of and scary to stand up to the people providing the clients and gicing you the money. The way this is done is clever and very very hard to prosecute in a court of law. Phones, disposable numbers, computers, and databases are kept of clients needs, sexual preferences, lengths of sessions, contact info and any personal info they may disclose during a session.Sometimes sessions are even taped. Sometimes the buildings of where these sessions are offered are also taped and i don;t mean by law enforcement. Federal employees and military employees know of these services and often use them in sealing a deal. These prostitutes are recruited from all over the U.S. and taken overseas or brought in on planes around the country.

This has to stop. The people doing this are very powerful. I know this sounds very hokey and it is part of the reason people in it do not speak up and fear for the people they love to be hurt if they do speak up. This has been going on for a very long time and has become very sophisticated with new technologies.

I am hoping by me coming forward, that more people will gain the strength and courage to speak up. I hope and dream and pray that people offered these services will speak out; I hope that former clients who know it is wrong will speak out,  I hope that the prostitutes themselves will start to speak out. The main problem is who do they tell?? I couldn't tell anyone because the local police, and FBI were in on this wonderful secret, as well as many employees of MAJOR corporations, and members of the clergy. Who the hell would I speak up to??? And no, not every single person was corrupt and yes there were some amazing police officers in Alaska.

Yes I had sex with Todd Palin, yes he paid me for those services. But there was so much more to it.
That is why this story has been buried and why MSM will not touch it. No one wants to accuse Todd Palin of criminal activity. Well I am and I am telling all of you who read this he was involved and I hope it will stop.


So Todd was involved in a prostitution ring to help Sarah get good business deals as governor?  Shailey if you are reading this you need to get to the MSM now!  Take all evidence you have that the cops did not destroy, make about four extra copies, give to friends and put a copy in your safe deposit box in case something happens to you.

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