Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gabby Giffords making progress

Gabby's staff just released this photo of her:

She is doing better than she was five months ago but still has a long recovery.

From ABC News

Rep Gabriele Giffords , bright eyes peering out from behind blue wire-framed glasses, looks radiant in a recently released Facebook photo. But experts say her half-tilt smile suggests her recovery from a gunshot wound to the head will be complex.

The Arizona congresswoman has astounded all her doctors, climbing stairs recently to board a plane for Florida to watch her husband, astronaut Mark E. Kelly, at the launch of the shuttle Endeavour and responding to her family and caregivers.

Now, as Giffords prepares to leave TIRR Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston, Texas, to begin her long-term rehabilitation, brain injury experts say public hopes for a return to the House may be unrealistic.

"If I had to guess, I would expect her to have some deficiencies for the rest of her life," said Dr. Anand Germanwala, chief of cerebral vascular and skull-based neurosurgery at the University of North Carolina Medical School. "The brain is a very unforgiving organ.

"I certainly wish her all the best and hope she has complete recovery -- it is possible," he said. "But realistically thinking, this is a young lady in a high profile job, well-educated and eloquent. That requires a lot of brain tasks to successfully execute the job. To expect that now, it's not fair."

Her husband, who has been the most consistent optimist, admits the road back is "months not weeks away."

Gabby is certainly in my thoughts and prayers.  I hope she can make a complete recovery for herself and the nation.  I hope she will be well enough to defend her Congressional seat or perhaps runs for Jon Kyl's Senate seat when he retires.  Now wouldn't that be a stick in Sarah and Jared Loughner's craw?

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