Friday, June 24, 2011

Is Sarah Palin a murderer?

Curtis Menard was a school mate and friend of Sarah and Todd's.  Sarah had a big crush on him back in Jr. High when he first moved to town.  Curtis ended up asking another girl to go steady.   However Sarah's crush on him never wavered.  She even wrote about him in Going Rogue:

“For nearly four decades our two families’ lives intertwined like flourishing vines, so much that Curtis Jr. even grew up to be my firstborn’s godfather". (p.24)

“Just before Track was born, Todd and I moved to a small apartment in Wasilla, next door to our good friend Curtis Menard, Jr., who by now was a dentist like his dad. Curtis was like a brother to me. We asked him to be Track’s godfather. Todd and I shared one car, and we loved our little life together, though with the Slope and fishing schedule we still didn’t see each other very much. I wanted another baby right away, so I was excited when I learned I was pregnant again.” (page 55)

In ""Trailblazer" Lorenzo Benet writes about a very heated argument Sarah and Curtis had one day about her parenting skills in 2001.  Shortly after Curtis died in a plane crash, which was caused by water contamination found in his gas tank at his home.  Lorenzo writes about the crash in great detail in his book.

Before Sarah finished her term as mayor, she named the famous hockey complex after Curtis.

There has been speculation that Curtis is the biological father of Track, Sarah's oldest son. Curtis lived in an apartment next door to Sarah and Todd and Todd would be gone for weeks at a time with his North Slope job and the fishing business...enough time for Sarah and Curtis to have a little hanky-panky.

Todd and Sarah married August 29,1988, Track was born April 20, 1989. (ironically Hitler's 100th birthday). So that means Track was conceived in July 1989 and Todd was gone most of that month. Track was a full term baby.

I wonder if Curtis threatened to blow the whistle on Track's paternity during that argument he and Sarah had, and Sarah did something to his gas tanks so his plane would crash.

Then there is Dar Miller.  Dar was a hospice nurse at Mat-Su Regional Care.  She died in a house fire in 2009.   

Dar was from Wasilla and attended the same church as the Palins.  It has been speculated that Dar knew about Trig's real birth and parentage.  A month before the church Dar and the Palins attend also burned in a mysterious fire.  This same church also handles private adoptions.  And Sarah Palin has said she does not believe in coincidences.

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