Friday, June 17, 2011

Why hasn't Sarah opened her piehole over Weinergate sooner?

Anthony Weiner has been under scrutiny for sending lewd pictures from his Twitter account.  All Republicans and many Democrats are calling for him to resign, which he has not. 

Personally I feel he should resign, since he used his official Twitter account to send those pictures, but I digress.  However I find it very interesting that Miss Family Values Sarah Palin has been mum about Weinergate until last night when Judge Napolitano interviewed her on FOX.  Why is that?

Is it because she was too preoccupied with the e-mail release?

Too busy planning her trip to Sudan?

Too busy trying to get Margaret Thatcher to grant a visit?


Maybe it's because she also has a philandering husband like Mrs. Weiner does and any comment will bring us bloggers out in force and shine the spotlight on her marriage.  But she certainly slammed Arnold Schwarzenegger, but then he refused to endorse her.  But Anthony would never endorse Sarah, so the silence is deafening.  BTW the charges against Shailey were dropped and she is free to spill her guts

Another thing...

No tweets from her in the past several days.  How refeshing.

Here she is on FOX.

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