Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bristol is going to be signing her fake book today at the Mall of America

From the Mall of America in Bloomington MN

And guess who is going to be there to hold Bristol's hand?  Her mommy Sarah!  Geesh can't Bristol do anything without her mother horning in?  Or maybe Bristol knows she won't get many fans or people coming to protest so she is using mommy as a human shield.  Oh well.

I would love to drive up to Bloomington and protest myself, but I have an actual job unlike the two grifters. So Bristol and Sarah consider yourself lucky there.  Oh and here is a recent pic of Bristol.  She still hasn't lot the pregnancy weight from her 2nd or 3rd child.

And the chin still looks like hell.

On Monday Bristol went on GMA with Robin Roberts and did the only thing she knows how to do, trash Levi and anyone who isn't a Palin or Heath and lie.

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