Thursday, June 30, 2011

Yesterday I did a very brave thing

I logged onto the Sea of Pee website and spammed them!

This is what I wrote (about 18 times according to a bot over there):

Sarah is full of crap.  Don't you idoits know she is just grifting you?  She doesn't want to be president.  She wants you to want her to be president.  Just like that Cheap Trick song, "I Want You To Want Me".  And Cheap Trick suits her well.

And this was the idiot's responses:

AZZwipe, troll, you fear Sarah this much you have posted the same crap 18 FREAKIN times. Are you deranged enough to think we look at you as anything other than a bedwetter who fears you. In honor of you cow dung, I'm going to donate $5 to for every one of you posts. For your 1 year old brain that's $90.. I'll keep giving $5 for every other post you make. Your fear tells me that Sarah is winning. By the way, Sarah thanks you for the $90. donation.
Mods, please ban this POS troll. I can almost smell it's reek coming through my monitor. 

Things must really be going well for Governor Palin! 

You can tell school's out for the kiddies are bored and want to play grownup but lack the aptitude and maturity to hang here. Come back when you hit high school and your voice changes, in the mean time go clean up your basement bedroom.

Yeah, she does suck all of the oxygen out of the room. You, on the contrary, just suck. See the difference. 

Yes spamming is wrong but it's fun!  And I might do it again.

Not many people showed up for Bristol and Sarah's book signing

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bristol is going to be signing her fake book today at the Mall of America

From the Mall of America in Bloomington MN

And guess who is going to be there to hold Bristol's hand?  Her mommy Sarah!  Geesh can't Bristol do anything without her mother horning in?  Or maybe Bristol knows she won't get many fans or people coming to protest so she is using mommy as a human shield.  Oh well.

I would love to drive up to Bloomington and protest myself, but I have an actual job unlike the two grifters. So Bristol and Sarah consider yourself lucky there.  Oh and here is a recent pic of Bristol.  She still hasn't lot the pregnancy weight from her 2nd or 3rd child.

And the chin still looks like hell.

On Monday Bristol went on GMA with Robin Roberts and did the only thing she knows how to do, trash Levi and anyone who isn't a Palin or Heath and lie.

Wednesday Humor

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm ashamed Michele Bachmann is from my birth state AND current home state

Michele you are from Waterloo, you should have known John Wayne Gacy was from there.  Bet you don't know the Sullivan Brothers are from Waterloo.  I'm ashamed of you.  We were both born in Iowa and now live in Minnesota.

I really feel bad for Piper Palin

Piper is dragged by her mother to all her speeches and campaign stops, is never in school, and her vacation got ruined.  But the name that Sarah and Todd gave her has to be the cruelest of all things done to her.




 Piper's first three initials spell PIG.  That's right.  PIG.  Lipstick on a PIG.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Nick Broomfield produces a rebuttal to Sarah's new movie

From UK Mail Online

Sarah Palin will be looking forward to one new documentary coming out next week that’s expected to paint a positive picture of her.

But the ex-Alaska Governor will surely be worried about controversial British film-maker Nick Broomfield’s own film to unveil the ‘real’ Palin.

Mr Broomfield has been speaking to her relatives, friends and disgruntled ex-colleagues to dig up some dirt on her rise to international fame.

Pro-Palin movie ‘Undefeated’ is out Wednesday. But Mr Broomfield will shop his own film in Los Angeles next week, reported Radar Online.

The film to document the politician’s rise from obscurity could even make its première in Canada at the Toronto Film Festival this September.

You can watch the preview here

Damn I can't wait to watch this!  Wish Oliver Stone would make a movie about her.

Reason #73 not to vote for Sarah Palin for anything

While governor of Alaska she tried to control the media.


When Sarah Palin was asked in a 2008 CBS interview what newspapers she regularly read, the Vice Presidential candidate famously was unable to name any.

But last week’s release of Palin’s emails from her partial term as Alaska’s governor suggests she was highly aware of what was being written about her — at least in her own state’s newspapers and in local blogs.
Her messages show that Palin sought to influence media coverage, counter negative stories, and — on at least one occasion — investigate a blogger who criticized her.

“She was pretty well tuned in to what was in the paper or on the website that related to her interest,” Anchorage Daily News Executive Editor Patrick Dougherty said in a phone interview this week. “I don’t know if that was because people were calling her attention to things or she was finding them on her own.”

Dougherty recalled that Palin came into office in 2006 with a “great attitude” and made a strong impression in her first meeting with the Daily News editorial board. But by the end of her two and a half years in office, Dougherty said Palin changed significantly, as she became nationally prominent and faced increased scrutiny over her record.

“Whatever impulse she had toward being open and honest was overtaken by her desire to avoid or deflect or rebut criticism,” Dougherty said.

The newly-revealed messages show that the Daily News – Alaska’s largest newspaper — was a particular irritant to Palin and her staff.

For instance, in April 2008, the paper reported that Palin’s office harvested email addresses from a state database to contact more than 22,000 business owners and urge them to support part of Palin’s legislative agenda. A story by Daily News writer Wesley Loy quoted several legislators criticizing Palin’s “political” use of the database.

That prompted a strong response from Palin’s press secretary, Rosanne Hughes. In an email to Palin, Hughes called Loy “an unprofessional, ignorant reporter,” and she recommended that the Governor stop granting him interviews.

“I’m used to working with mean, nasty, ugly, unpleasant journalists before on Capitol Hill (esp. the New York Times) but at least I could respect them professionally,” wrote Hughes, who had previously worked for Republican members of Congress. “At least they were good journalists. This guy, sorry, I can’t say that about him.”

Palin answered with just two words: “Amen sista!

Loy – now a freelance journalist and blogger — said this week he remembered a disagreement with Hughes about the 2008 story. But he didn’t know the article caused such a stir among the governor’s staff until an acquaintance told him about Hughes’ email a few days ago.

I laughed out loud when I saw it,” Loy told me.  “That’s part of the job.”

Concerns about bloggers and reader comments

Of course, it’s not unusual for politicians to tussle with journalists who cover them. The candid correspondence of many officeholders is likely filled with similar invective toward the press.

But Palin’s emails show that she also was conscious of what was being written about her in new media platforms such as blogs.

In a January 2008 exchange with some of her aides, she fretted about an anonymous blogger who seemed to have access to her administration’s press releases and was using them to criticize her policies.

“Makes me sick to my stomach,” Palin wrote. “How would this blogger have received the emailed presser unless he’s a valid media person (and why would a legit media person bother to be a regular blogger?), or one of our folks sent it to him?”

Palin aide Frank Bailey informed her that it would be easy for a “mole” to get on her press release distribution list. “They probably just emailed and asked to get on it,” Bailey wrote. (It’s not clear from the emails if the Administration ever learned the blogger’s identity.)

Later in 2008 – less than two months before she was named John McCain’s running mate — Palin expressed outrage about a reader who frequently posted in the “comments” section of the Anchorage Daily News website. Among the posts that the Governor called “hateful and hurtful” was one that alleged she had an affair with her husband’s best friend.

“Ok dokay (sic) – enough is enough,” Palin wrote to Hughes and other aides. “It’s flippin unbelievable that the ADN allows lies like this to be posted. I’m calling.”

Governor, do you know how loved you are?” Hughes responded. “It hurts my heart to hear these horrible people are bringing you down. We forgive them, Lord. Help these people come to know You.”

Dougherty – the Daily News executive editor – confirmed that Palin called him about the questionable posts and he immediately deleted them.

Palin later asked her staff to have her “security guys check into” the person who posted the comments — Sherry Whitstine of Wasilla. (Whitstine told the New York Times in 2008 that one of Palin’s aides called her and demanded she “stop blogging right now.”)

While Palin and her staff may have been repulsed by some of the coverage and comments they received from the Daily News, they also worked to make sure their own point of view was expressed in the paper and on its website.

During a controversial special legislative session in April 2008, Hughes noted that Palin was “getting pounded” on the blogs, and she urged her fellow staff members to mobilize the Governor’s grassroots supporters.

We need to get them out there FLOODING that Anchorage Daily News Alaska politics blog. I mean FLOODING,” Hughes wrote.

On a somewhat less weighty issue, Palin took matters into her own hands, writing her own rebuttal to a July 2008 Daily News letter-to-the-editor that criticized her for skipping that year’s Miss Alaska pageant.
But she asked her staff to find somebody else to sign her response.
“I’m looking for someone to correct the letter writer’s goofy comments, but don’t want the letter to ADN in response to come from me,” Palin wrote. (The newspaper published the response with Hughes’ signature.)

“A pretty darn good relationship”

In contrast to Palin’s current image as an adversary of what she calls the “lamestream media,” her emails suggest that she often granted press requests as governor. Her schedules show she sometimes did several interviews a week with local reporters, as well as occasional interviews with national media organizations such as NBC, Forbes magazine, and Bloomberg News.

Even Wesley Loy — the former Anchorage Daily News reporter who inspired such strong criticism from Rosanne Hughes — said he found Palin to be accessible and accommodating during her years in Juneau.

“I don’t remember her having anything but a pretty darn good relationship with reporters at the time that she was Governor,” Loy said, adding that he noticed no difference in the way she treated him even after Hughes suggested Palin stop granting him interviews.  “She always gave me all the access I asked for.”

Palin eagerly jumped at a chance to appear on Anderson Cooper’s CNN program in December 2007 (An aide assured her it would be “a great opportunity.”), while in June 2008, she made the rounds of several cable talk shows to discuss oil and gas drilling.

A member of her administration suggested she’d especially enjoy appearing on Glenn Beck’s show, because, “He loves to make fun of everyone and is incredibly good natured.  You should laugh a lot with him.”

And then there was this 2007 request from a producer at “The Big Wild Radio Show,” a syndicated program about outdoor recreation:
“We would like to interview Sarah in regards to her fishing experiences,” wrote producer Jon Schoepke.

“The Big Wild has been in syndication for five years and we pride ourselves in being total screw ups! Unlike most outdoors shows we are NOT experts, we laugh at our shortcomings.”

Palin responded quickly from her Blackberry: “This sounds fun! I’d do it.”

Is she really that paranoid of what people think of her?  Just imagine if she were in the WH and banned every media outlet except for FOX, National Review, WSJ, Newsmax, and News Busters.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Reason #72 not to vote for Sarah Palin for anything

She cancels appearances and trips way too often.

Recently she canceled a trip to Sudan she was supposed to take with Franklin Graham and Greta Van Stusteren.   Which is actually a blessing in disguise for the poor people of Sudan.  Who wants to hear Screechah and her BFFs anyway?

But this isn't the first nor will it be the last time she flakes out on something.  Here is an example.  And another.  Google Sarah Palin cancels speech and you will get over 7 million hits.  If she is this unreliable, how is she fit for the White House?  Or any other office for that matter.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Alaska Dispatch debunks Sarahs claim about jury duty

From the Alaska Dispatch

The first day of the Sarah Palin jury watch passed with this simple recorded message to those called for jury duty: "Your services will not be needed on Friday, June 24.''

Those in the Palmer jury pool, which Palin has indicated include her, are to call back Friday night to find out about "possible service on Monday, June 27.

The former governor lives just up the road from Palmer in the small town of Wasilla, where she was once mayor. Local legal cases, however, are tried at the courthouse in Palmer.

The jury procedure in Alaska is to send jury duty notices to a small army of people. They are given a pool number. If there pool number is called, they are to report to the court house to await possible selection to a jury.

It is rare to get picked, and a half-dozen attorneys queried by Alaska Dispatch said that they would immediately move to waive Palin if she was actually called to sit on a jury.

As one of them put it, no one would want to bring to the courtroom the circus that seems to follow in the wake of the former Alaska governor these days.

Palin, however, has said she's putting all her plans on hold for the moment awaiting the jury call. On Facebook -- her favorite means of communication -- she posted that "the coming weeks are tight because civic duty calls (like most everyone else, even former governors get called up for jury duty) and I look forward to doing my part just like every other Alaskan."

Bwahahahahahahaha!  Me thinks the real reason she bailed out is because of this.  The shit is really gonna hit the fan!

Rex Butler gives a half assed attempt to defend Levi

From the Alaska Dispatch

Bristol Palin is not telling the truth when she claims in a new book that her virginity was "stolen'' by boyfriend Levi Johnston, Johnston's attorney said Thursday.

In the just released book, "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far,'' Palin -- the daughter of former Gov. Sarah Palin -- claims she drank so many wine coolers on the night in question that she has no recollection of events, and that she woke the next morning with "something obviously askew'' only to be told by a girlfriend that "you definitely had sex with Levi."

Johnston attorney Rex Butler disagreed with the part of the story that has Bristol so drunk she didn't know what was happening.

"That's obviously not true,'' he said.

Several websites have already raised the question of whether Johnston raped Bristol.

Alaska laws says that "an offender commits the crime of sexual assault in the first degree if...the offender engages in sexual penetration with a person who the offender knows is unaware that a sexual act is being committed."

Sexual assault in the first degree is what is commonly known as rape.

Bristol's book clearly paints her as being "unaware that a sexual act'' was being committed on the night she lost her virginity.

As she tells the story, the last thing she remembers is sitting by a campfire laughing with friends after consuming a lot of wine coolers. The next thing she remembers is waking up in a tent with Levi's empty sleeping bag next to hers and the sound of friends "outside the tent laughing,'' according to the book. She then texts a female friend, who comes to Bristol's tent to inform her she is no longer a virgin.

Butler, one of Alaska's better known criminal attorneys, admitted that if true the story sounds a lot like rape, but he said the story isn't true. And he seemed a little perplexed that Bristol, who had a child with Johnston, would be telling it.

"That's not a good thing for her son to digest on down the road,'' Butler said.

What Bristol's mother, Sarah, thinks of all this is unclear. So far she has only Tweeted, as is her style. Sarah's Twitter message said this:

"Bristol's Book: Shocking; Refreshing; Honest; INSPIRING! Perfect. Plus 'Not Afraid of Life' gives insight into how media can drive false narrative. Spot on! (& she's courageous to write what she wrote, warning about decisions/consequences in encouraging way, esp for teens!)"

It is unclear as what "shocking" references, or whether Sarah thinks Bristol's suggestion that losing ones virginity while being passed out drunk (or at least so drunk you've forgotten the evening) is part of a "warning about decisions/consequences in encouraging way, esp. for teens!"

Butler said that although Bristol lied about her sexual encounter with Levi, he doubts his client has much legal recourse. Johnston, who was injected into the Palin whirlwind after Sara decided to run for vice-president, is now a public figure, Butler said. As such, he couldn't win a defamation suit unless he could prove his ex-girlfriend's statements are malicious.

"I don't think anyone would buy that,'' Butler said. The legal bar there is a high one. To prove Bristol's statement malicious, Butler would have to demonstrate she is telling a story she knows to be false. All Bristol would need to demonstrate is that she is telling a story that is true to the best of her recollection.

On the other, if her story is documentable  -- if there are witnesses who can support the story as her book indicates -- Johnston could find himself the subject of a rape investigation. Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell, Palin's successor, has been a staunch advocate of a state crackdown on men who take advantage of women who are incapacitated. He this year advocated, according to the governor's website, that sentences for sex offenses be increased when there were "'aggravating factors,” including the defendant's knowledge that the victim had consumed drugs or alcohol, or a previous dating relationship with the victim."

The story Bristol is now telling about the loss of her virginity has never been told before. In previous interviews, she has at least hinted that she might have been a willing sexual partner, saying that abstinence from sex is "not realistic at all" for teenagers.

Bristol's premarital, teenage sex first became news during Sarah's run for vice-president alongside Arizona's John McCain. The McCain-Palin campaign at the time disclosed Bristol's pregnancy and portrayed her and Levi as two teenagers in love who were making plans to get married. Levi told the Associated Press that he and Bristol had been planning on getting married for a long time.

There was even talk of a possible White House wedding, but things did not go so well and by 2009, Levi and Bristol had split.

A year later, however, they announced in US Magazine that they once again planned to get married. This time over the objections of Sarah and her husband, Todd.

But that second engagement went bust, too. Since then, they have been on unfriendly terms. Levi is now writing his own book.

Levi you need to ditch Rex and get a better attorney.  If I was living in AK and an attorney I would represent you pro bono.   I seriously think Rex is on the Palin payroll being paid with Sarah Pac funds.  

Bristol was not raped.  If she was why didn't she report it to the police?   You also don't black out on drinking too many wine coolers.  Unless he slipped her a roofie, then yes he did rape her.  Bristol has no credibility at all so I will call bullshit on the rape claim.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Posting comments

Just letting everyone know I have adjusted my commenting options so everyone can comment anonymously, or log in to Google or any account you use

Is Sarah Palin a murderer?

Curtis Menard was a school mate and friend of Sarah and Todd's.  Sarah had a big crush on him back in Jr. High when he first moved to town.  Curtis ended up asking another girl to go steady.   However Sarah's crush on him never wavered.  She even wrote about him in Going Rogue:

“For nearly four decades our two families’ lives intertwined like flourishing vines, so much that Curtis Jr. even grew up to be my firstborn’s godfather". (p.24)

“Just before Track was born, Todd and I moved to a small apartment in Wasilla, next door to our good friend Curtis Menard, Jr., who by now was a dentist like his dad. Curtis was like a brother to me. We asked him to be Track’s godfather. Todd and I shared one car, and we loved our little life together, though with the Slope and fishing schedule we still didn’t see each other very much. I wanted another baby right away, so I was excited when I learned I was pregnant again.” (page 55)

In ""Trailblazer" Lorenzo Benet writes about a very heated argument Sarah and Curtis had one day about her parenting skills in 2001.  Shortly after Curtis died in a plane crash, which was caused by water contamination found in his gas tank at his home.  Lorenzo writes about the crash in great detail in his book.

Before Sarah finished her term as mayor, she named the famous hockey complex after Curtis.

There has been speculation that Curtis is the biological father of Track, Sarah's oldest son. Curtis lived in an apartment next door to Sarah and Todd and Todd would be gone for weeks at a time with his North Slope job and the fishing business...enough time for Sarah and Curtis to have a little hanky-panky.

Todd and Sarah married August 29,1988, Track was born April 20, 1989. (ironically Hitler's 100th birthday). So that means Track was conceived in July 1989 and Todd was gone most of that month. Track was a full term baby.

I wonder if Curtis threatened to blow the whistle on Track's paternity during that argument he and Sarah had, and Sarah did something to his gas tanks so his plane would crash.

Then there is Dar Miller.  Dar was a hospice nurse at Mat-Su Regional Care.  She died in a house fire in 2009.   

Dar was from Wasilla and attended the same church as the Palins.  It has been speculated that Dar knew about Trig's real birth and parentage.  A month before the church Dar and the Palins attend also burned in a mysterious fire.  This same church also handles private adoptions.  And Sarah Palin has said she does not believe in coincidences.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Merel Mtouch multitouch table hands-on

Merel Mtouch multitouch table

Multitouch tables haven't exactly hit the mainstream, but price is likely to be a major factor. Merel's Mtouch table brings that familiar Microsoft Surface-like multitouch functionality for a fraction of the price, retailing for $3,995, or about half as much as Surface. The 720p, 32-inch display doesn't sacrifice on power -- a 3.2Ghz quad-core Intel Quad i5 Sandy Bridge processor and dedicated Radeon HD 1GB video card keep the Windows 7-based interface running smoothly -- but the table's display suffers from some uniformity issues, likely due to the pair of super-bright LEDs used to light it.

We spent a few minutes with the Mtouch at the CEA LineShows in NYC, and liked what we saw -- once we got past the lighting issues, which appear slightly exaggerated in the photo above (notice the two bright spots near our subject's fingers). Content is loaded using a web interface, and the table is compatible with a variety of formats, including PDFs, which are displayed as "magazines" with easy-flip pages. The table is in the early stages of production -- just 30 have been made and sold so far, assembled completely at Merel's factory in Yonkers, NY. They are available for purchase now, however, and should be shipped to your door within 30-days of placing an order. Jump past the break as we go hands-on with the Merel Mtouch.

Merel Mtouch multitouch table hands-on

Merel Mtouch multitouch table

Multitouch tables haven't exactly hit the mainstream, but price is likely to be a major factor. Merel's Mtouch table brings that familiar Microsoft Surface-like multitouch functionality for a fraction of the price, retailing for $3,995, or about half as much as Surface. The 720p, 32-inch display doesn't sacrifice on power -- a 3.2Ghz quad-core Intel Quad i5 Sandy Bridge processor and dedicated Radeon HD 1GB video card keep the Windows 7-based interface running smoothly -- but the table's display suffers from some uniformity issues, likely due to the pair of super-bright LEDs used to light it.

We spent a few minutes with the Mtouch at the CEA LineShows in NYC, and liked what we saw -- once we got past the lighting issues, which appear slightly exaggerated in the photo above (notice the two bright spots near our subject's fingers). Content is loaded using a web interface, and the table is compatible with a variety of formats, including PDFs, which are displayed as "magazines" with easy-flip pages. The table is in the early stages of production -- just 30 have been made and sold so far, assembled completely at Merel's factory in Yonkers, NY. They are available for purchase now, however, and should be shipped to your door within 30-days of placing an order. Jump past the break as we go hands-on with the Merel Mtouch.

Sony's A77 and A65 spied in leaked image, announcement to follow?

Sony's A77 and A65

First shown nearly a year ago, what appears to be a leaked official photo might finally mean the forever teased A77 is finally on the horizon. If you'll recall, the high-end Alpha was sporting a svelte see-through body, and the only tidbits the Japanese firm would confirm were the 2011 ship date and that all forthcoming Alpha's would have translucent mirrors -- you know, the spiffy kind that enables DSLRs to focus while shooting video. Opportunely, the above pictured image also came with a bevy of specs, which we'll have to assume apply to the pricier A77: a 24 megapixel sensor, 11 point AF, 10 frame per second burst and an ISO of 102,400. Also on the docket is USB 3.0, and a ship date of October. Whether or not the August announcement pans out remains to be seen, but you'll certainly know when we do.

Sony's A77 and A65 spied in leaked image, announcement to follow?

Sony's A77 and A65

First shown nearly a year ago, what appears to be a leaked official photo might finally mean the forever teased A77 is finally on the horizon. If you'll recall, the high-end Alpha was sporting a svelte see-through body, and the only tidbits the Japanese firm would confirm were the 2011 ship date and that all forthcoming Alpha's would have translucent mirrors -- you know, the spiffy kind that enables DSLRs to focus while shooting video. Opportunely, the above pictured image also came with a bevy of specs, which we'll have to assume apply to the pricier A77: a 24 megapixel sensor, 11 point AF, 10 frame per second burst and an ISO of 102,400. Also on the docket is USB 3.0, and a ship date of October. Whether or not the August announcement pans out remains to be seen, but you'll certainly know when we do.

Samsung reveals 'premium accessory suite' for Galaxy Tab 10.1, includes premium prices


Loving your Galaxy Tab 10.1 but just itching for some accessories? Samsung knows you are, and today helpfully unveiled a "premium accessory suite" to soothe your jones for both add-ons and premium prices. The collection (parts of which appeared earlier on Sammy's German site) includes a full-size keyboard dock ($70) and a multimedia dock ($35) enabling HDMI pass-through – you can have Tab video on your TV, as long as you buy the separate HDTV adapter ($30). You have your choice of cases, as well: a book cover model ($60) you can leave on while using the tablet, or a leather pouch edition ($30) that is, you guessed it, a leather pouch. A few miscellaneous items round out the collection, including various chargers, a conductive stylus and the already-released USB adapter. The company also promises a Bluetooth keyboard and SD card adapter to come "mid-summer," just in time to ease your next bout of premium-accessory fever.

Samsung reveals 'premium accessory suite' for Galaxy Tab 10.1, includes premium prices


Loving your Galaxy Tab 10.1 but just itching for some accessories? Samsung knows you are, and today helpfully unveiled a "premium accessory suite" to soothe your jones for both add-ons and premium prices. The collection (parts of which appeared earlier on Sammy's German site) includes a full-size keyboard dock ($70) and a multimedia dock ($35) enabling HDMI pass-through – you can have Tab video on your TV, as long as you buy the separate HDTV adapter ($30). You have your choice of cases, as well: a book cover model ($60) you can leave on while using the tablet, or a leather pouch edition ($30) that is, you guessed it, a leather pouch. A few miscellaneous items round out the collection, including various chargers, a conductive stylus and the already-released USB adapter. The company also promises a Bluetooth keyboard and SD card adapter to come "mid-summer," just in time to ease your next bout of premium-accessory fever.

G-Technology's G-Connect offers 500GB of wireless storage, portable WiFi network to smartphone, tablet users


Hitachi's G-Technology unit has already showered us with a slew of external hard drives, but it's taking a slightly more hybridized approach with the G-Connect -- a device that offers both wireless storage and portable WiFi access to smartphone and tablet users. Designed with nomadic content-hoarders in mind, this little rascal boasts 500GB of mobile storage, can simultaneously support more than five different devices on its 802.11n wireless network, and, when connected via Ethernet, serves as a WiFi access point. It's also robust enough to stream up to five standard-definition movies at one time (or up to three HD flicks), and, at about 9.7 ounces, it won't add too much weight to your quiver of gadgets, either. If you're worried about security, you can surround the network with a password-protected fortress, or store some of your less mentionable content in your very own private folder. iOS users can further enhance their G-experience by downloading the accompanying app, which will allow them to view and access all of their G-stored documents and media from the comfort of their iDevices (an equivalent app for the Android crowd will launch this fall). If you're interested, you can pre-order the G-Connect from G-Technology's website for $200, or wait until it hits retailers next month. Full PR after the break.

G-Technology's G-Connect offers 500GB of wireless storage, portable WiFi network to smartphone, tablet users


Hitachi's G-Technology unit has already showered us with a slew of external hard drives, but it's taking a slightly more hybridized approach with the G-Connect -- a device that offers both wireless storage and portable WiFi access to smartphone and tablet users. Designed with nomadic content-hoarders in mind, this little rascal boasts 500GB of mobile storage, can simultaneously support more than five different devices on its 802.11n wireless network, and, when connected via Ethernet, serves as a WiFi access point. It's also robust enough to stream up to five standard-definition movies at one time (or up to three HD flicks), and, at about 9.7 ounces, it won't add too much weight to your quiver of gadgets, either. If you're worried about security, you can surround the network with a password-protected fortress, or store some of your less mentionable content in your very own private folder. iOS users can further enhance their G-experience by downloading the accompanying app, which will allow them to view and access all of their G-stored documents and media from the comfort of their iDevices (an equivalent app for the Android crowd will launch this fall). If you're interested, you can pre-order the G-Connect from G-Technology's website for $200, or wait until it hits retailers next month. Full PR after the break.

Archos unveils bare-bones Arnova 7 Android tablet, priced at $99

Arnova 7


We caught a brief glimpse of Archos' new Arnova 7 tablet when it hit the FCC last week and now, we have a few more details on the company's affordable Android-based slate. Though there's no information on its RAM or processing capacity, the latest addition to the Arnova clan boasts a seven-inch, resistive touchscreen LCD with 800x480 resolution, supports 720p HD playback, and offers 4GB of flash memory. Running on Froyo, this WiFi-enabled slab will give you access to the AppsLib store, rather than the Android Market, and won't come with any of the front- or rear-facing cameras you'd expect from higher-end products. But, then again, it's pretty hard to argue with any tablet priced at just $99. No word yet on when the Arnova 7 will start shipping, but we'll let you know as soon as we find out.

Archos unveils bare-bones Arnova 7 Android tablet, priced at $99

Arnova 7


We caught a brief glimpse of Archos' new Arnova 7 tablet when it hit the FCC last week and now, we have a few more details on the company's affordable Android-based slate. Though there's no information on its RAM or processing capacity, the latest addition to the Arnova clan boasts a seven-inch, resistive touchscreen LCD with 800x480 resolution, supports 720p HD playback, and offers 4GB of flash memory. Running on Froyo, this WiFi-enabled slab will give you access to the AppsLib store, rather than the Android Market, and won't come with any of the front- or rear-facing cameras you'd expect from higher-end products. But, then again, it's pretty hard to argue with any tablet priced at just $99. No word yet on when the Arnova 7 will start shipping, but we'll let you know as soon as we find out.

Reason #71 not to vote for Sarah Palin for anything

ACES which was a signature piece of legislation of hers has been a disaster.  Even the Parnell Administration disavowed it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sarah quits her bus tour? SHOCKING!

From Real Clear Politics

Less than a month after she appeared poised to shake up the Republican presidential campaign, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has once again receded from the 2012 limelight.

When Palin launched her "One Nation" bus tour on Memorial Day amid a swirl of media attention and excitement from her fervent fan base, many political observers who had once dismissed her were reminded of the jolt that her candidacy could provide to what has thus far been a relatively sleepy GOP nominating fight.

As Palin toured historical sites along the East Coast, she was clearly reveling in the tangible excitement she'd ginned up: She even eagerly answered questions -- from the denizens of the "lamestream" media -- ranging from matters of political process to an array of issues facing the nation.

In an apparent repudiation to those who dismissed her trip as a mere publicity stunt, Palin's openness with reporters about her intentions to visit Iowa and South Carolina -- in addition to her highly scrutinized stop in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire -- lent credence to her repeated assertions that she was indeed seriously considering a White House bid.

Though Palin and her staff never announced a timeline for the remaining legs of her trip, aides had drafted preliminary itineraries that would have taken her through the Midwest and Southeast at some point this month. But those travel blueprints are now in limbo, RCP has learned, as Palin and her family have reverted to the friendly confines of summertime Alaska, where the skies are currently alight for over 19 hours a day and the Bristol Bay salmon fishing season is nearing its peak.

As Palin enjoys her sojourn to the 49th state, she has not reconnected with key early-state figures like Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, and she may have jeopardized whatever political momentum she gained from her recent reemergence in the 2012 discussion. Her political action committee's website still greets visitors with a stale banner, announcing the nationwide bus tour beginning "[t]his Sunday, May 29th."

More than a few of Palin's core supporters have grown impatient and confused about her strategy, venting their frustration on Internet fan sites.

The former governor herself has consented to only one interview since her East Coast jaunt ended early this month, and her lack of recent public activity has generated a host of rumors about what her next step might be. Last week, the American Spectator, citing a single and unnamed Republican source, claimed that her presidential decision was imminent. Palin shot this speculation down immediately, but she didn't counter it with anything definitive.

And earlier this week, some of her staunchest supporters grew concerned about gossip suggesting that she had reached out to Texas Gov. Rick Perry about lending her support to his potential presidential run. But two Perry aides told RCP that they were not aware of any recent contact between Palin and the Texas governor.

Palin's extended hiatus could mean that in spite of her readily apparent "fire in the belly," her family has persuaded her not to further pursue the presidency. Alternatively, it could indicate just the opposite -- that she is plotting her next move and wants to ensure that it is well thought-out -- and that she retains the element of surprise. Indeed, the problem with assessing how Palin's movements figure into her 2012 calculus is that she remains one of the most unpredictable political figures in America -- even to her most trusted aides.

There may be a logical hook for Palin to reassert herself onto the presidential stage: A documentary extolling her record in Alaska, "The Undefeated," is set to premiere in Iowa and other early voting states before its July 15 nationwide release.

And in an indication that Palin's team may be on the verge of more actively associating herself with the film, the pro-Palin website reported that SarahPAC Treasurer Tim Crawford recently mailed out a solicitation to Palin supporters that offered an early-release DVD of the film in return for a donation of $100 or more to SarahPAC.

"It is absolutely critical that as many Americans as possible see this film -- and soon," Crawford wrote in the letter. "And it's time for patriots like you and me to stop letting the Palin haters and the national news media distort Sarah's record, especially now as America looks ahead to new leadership in 2012."

During the initial stage of her bus tour three weeks ago, Palin said that it would still be weeks before she would make her presidential decision, and her husband, Todd, concurred that the final verdict was "a long ways away."

The realities inherent in conducting the necessary legwork to mount a viable presidential campaign, even for a candidate as unconventional as Palin, may compel her to move closer to a decision sooner than she might have liked. But for the time being, she appears to be in no rush to either enter the 2012 fray -- or to distance herself from it.

Something fishy here.  I gotta feeling Babygate is about to be exposed so she has to get her shit together to defend herself.

Today is Father's Day and Bristol trashes her baby daddy-Update

From New York Daily News

A cheeky Bristol Palin writes in her new book, due out next week, that her romance with ex-beau Levi Johnston - he of Playgirl fame - was one of "deception and disappointment."

He "cheated on me about as frequently as he sharpened his hockey skates," Palin penned of the bad boy for whom she first fell in seventh grade.

The "Dancing with the Stars" vet goes on to denigrate her former flame as "the gnat named Levi Johnston," in the teenage tell-all, entitled "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far."

Johnston, for his part, has promised to offer his own version of the affair in a rebuttal book: "Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin's Crosshairs."

For now, readers must make do with the comely 20-year-old brunette's account of their sometimes sordid and failed romance.

The tawdry tome includes prurient details of how Johnston deflowered Palin during a camping trip on which she got tanked for the first time.

A pitiful Palin recounts how she awoke, alone, in her tent with no memory of what had transpired, while a joyful Johnston boasted of the conquest on his cell phone to friends.

Palin had previously vowed to wait until marriage, she writes.

In time, Johnston knocked up Palin, who added in the book she was initially so incredulous of positive home pregnancy kits, it took eight tests to convince her she was with child.

The couple eventually had a son named Tripp, born in late 2008.

But soon after, Palin writes she found a text on Johnston's cell phone revealing he once again had strayed.

Johnston later confessed and left the Palin home, persona-non-grata.

The narrative, published by William Morrow, co-written by author Nancy French and obtained on Friday by The Associated Press, also touches on life with the barnstorming ex-Alaska gov.

I smell bullshit on this one.  According to Mercede Bristol and Levi were trying to get pregnant.  Bristol has admitted that abstinence does not work.  And Levi has said Bristol knows that.

In their custody agreement Levi and Bristol are not supposed to trash each other, so this book is living proof that Bristol broke the custody agreement.

And unfortunately thanks to skanky slutty Bristol her son Tripp will not have the pleasure of spending it with his daddy, Levi Keith Johnston.  Thanks Bristol you cunt!  But then again maybe Levi isn't the real father Bristol?

UPDATE-Levi isn't the only one who gets burned in this fiction novel.

From Gawker

Finally, the political-daughter-turned-memoirist smackdown we've been waiting for: Bristol Palin is taking on Meghan McCain.
While promoting memoir Dirty Sexy Politics, Meghan lamented Bristol's effect on her "self-esteem", slammed Bristol's family, and dissed reality TV. Now Bristol's promoting her memoir, and she's striking back. ABC News reports that America's most successful unsuccessful abstinence advocate thinks Meghan McCain is a high-maintenance, backstabbing brat:
Palin writes that the first time she met the 26-year-old daughter of Sen. John McCain, she "ignored us during the entire visit." This was just before Senator McCain introduced Sarah Palin as his running mate. Palin adds that she "had a sneaking suspicion I might need to watch my back."
"Every time we saw Meghan, she seemed to be constantly checking us out, comparing my family to hers and complaining," she writes. "Oh the complaining."
"I'd never seen people with so much Louis Vuitton luggage, so many cell phones, and so many constant helpers to do hair and makeup," Palin writes.
Bristol has kinder words for Cindy McCain, describing her "like a queen" and "like royalty." But she got confused when Cindy offered to be the godmother of her unborn child: "I had just met her and I wondered why she wanted any type of guardianship over my child." Maybe Cindy was trying to rescue a needy infant from a lifetime of squalor? She has a reputation for charity.

Anyway, Meghan has yet to tweet about Bristol. Maybe she's saving her outrage for an opinion column? She can't not respond—flying off the handle at every slight is Meghan's greatest talent. Which, come to think of it, is downright Palinesque.

Geesh Bristol!  Cindy was just offering spiritual guidance to you and the baby.  God knows you could use some.  It's also pretty shitty of you to slam the McCains considering John pulled your mother out of obscurity.  If it wasn't for him you wouldn't be on DWTS, writing fiction books, preaching abstinence, and being on reality shows.  You would still be in Wasilla working at the local Starbucks as a Barista.

Meghan's response to Bristol is right here  Very classy and I don't even like Meghan, even though she is not chickenshit to go on Rachel Maddow's show.

Elizabeth Edwards, Sandra Bullock, and Elin Woods had every reason to trash their hubbies on public but they didn't. Why? Because they have class and care about their kids.

Also Bristol said she and Levi were using condoms but she switched to the pill even though she suspected he was straying. Duh! Didn't she know that the pill does not prevent STD's? That's abstinence only education for ya.

And Bristol goes after her ex-uncle Mike Wooten:

From the Daily Beast

Bristol’s Uncle Mike, a burly state trooper standing six foot four and weighing in at 250 pounds, was the cause of some early drama in her life. First, back in 2003, Bristol witnessed Uncle Mike shoot a Taser gun at her cousin, Payton. As Payton was recovering from the shock, Uncle Mike looked over at Bristol and said, “Bristol, you’re next.” (Pg. 25) Bristol screams, and tells her mother about the incident. Later, it’s revealed that there were a bunch of citizen complaints against Mike, ranging from boozing in his patrol car to people claiming they witnessed him illegally kill an animal on a hunting trip. Later on, Uncle Mike carries out a very public affair with the mother of Bristol’s friend Jenna. The affair results in Bristol’s Aunt Molly divorcing Uncle Mike, Jenna’s mom getting kicked out of the Mormon church, and Bristol losing all her friends, as kids at school chose sides between Bristol’s family and Jenna’s, a la “Team Jolie or Team Aniston.” (Pg. 39) Bristol also thought, “It was the first time—but not the last—that I realized how someone’s sexual sin could rock everyone around him or her.” (Pg. 40) Later, Mike confronts Bristol in the hallway of her high school—where he is an assistant coach—and calls her a “fucking bitch” under his breath. (Pg. 43)

Geoffrey Dunn clears up Troopergate in his book.

She also talks about the alleged threat of gang rape while she was in Juneau.

They began by threatening Bristol and telling her to stay away from their boyfriends, and then, things got serious when some of Bristol’s classmates posted an Internet threat against Willow. “An eight-grade girl told twelve-year-old Willow that her Samoan brothers were going to gang-rape her,” said Bristol. (Pg. 67) Later, a boy posted on MySpace: “Bristol’s a slut when she’s drunk and a slut when she’s sober.” Bristol says these early bullying incidents helped her develop a tough exterior and handle all of the gossip about her family.

BS on that one too.  Sarah never reported the threats to police and didn't increase security for Bristol.  Why?  Cuz you can't report on something that never happened and you would have to justify why you are increasing security for your daughter.


Wednesday Humor

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide spotted in the clear, sans case

T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide

We've already seen it turn up in a few blurry shots, and seen it pictured a bit more clearly inside a case, but we now finally have our first good, unobstructed look at T-Mobile's still unannounced myTouch 4G Slide. What's more, the tipster that provided the shots to TmoNews also offered up a few quick impressions, saying that the keyboard was "amazing" and roughly comparable to the T-Mobile G2, and that the phone itself is "surprisingly fast" but a bit heavier than the G2. Hit up the source link below for a closer look.

T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide spotted in the clear, sans case

T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide

We've already seen it turn up in a few blurry shots, and seen it pictured a bit more clearly inside a case, but we now finally have our first good, unobstructed look at T-Mobile's still unannounced myTouch 4G Slide. What's more, the tipster that provided the shots to TmoNews also offered up a few quick impressions, saying that the keyboard was "amazing" and roughly comparable to the T-Mobile G2, and that the phone itself is "surprisingly fast" but a bit heavier than the G2. Hit up the source link below for a closer look.

Samsung NC215S solar netbook will see the light of day in Russia

Samsung NC215S solar netbook

Anyone who's ever attempted to use a laptop on a sunny summer day can surely tell you that direct sunlight is not your friend -- that's why we like to ride out the season in our dark basement apartments. If only there were a way to harness the sun's rays for good, instead of evil -- like powering your PC while you're off doing whatever it is that normal people do when it's sunny outside. First introduced for the African market, Samsung's NC215S will be hitting Russia in early August for 13,999 rubles ($479). The netbook sports a lid almost entirely monopolized by a solar panel, which contributes to an overall estimated battery life of 14.5 hours. The NC215S packs a 1.6GHz N570 Intel Atom dual-core processor, 250GB of storage, and 1GB of RAM into a 2.9 pound frame. It's almost enough to make us want to venture out into the sunlight. Almost.

Update: The folks at Liliputing have been told the NC215S is heading stateside on July 3rd, with a suggested retail price of $399, so it looks like you'll need to stay planted in your patience for just a few days more.

Samsung NC215S solar netbook will see the light of day in Russia

Samsung NC215S solar netbook

Anyone who's ever attempted to use a laptop on a sunny summer day can surely tell you that direct sunlight is not your friend -- that's why we like to ride out the season in our dark basement apartments. If only there were a way to harness the sun's rays for good, instead of evil -- like powering your PC while you're off doing whatever it is that normal people do when it's sunny outside. First introduced for the African market, Samsung's NC215S will be hitting Russia in early August for 13,999 rubles ($479). The netbook sports a lid almost entirely monopolized by a solar panel, which contributes to an overall estimated battery life of 14.5 hours. The NC215S packs a 1.6GHz N570 Intel Atom dual-core processor, 250GB of storage, and 1GB of RAM into a 2.9 pound frame. It's almost enough to make us want to venture out into the sunlight. Almost.

Update: The folks at Liliputing have been told the NC215S is heading stateside on July 3rd, with a suggested retail price of $399, so it looks like you'll need to stay planted in your patience for just a few days more.

Toshiba's Regza AT300 tablet for the Japanese market delayed until late July, will ship with Android 3.1

Toshiba Regza AT300 tablet

To any of our Japanese readers who've been impatiently awaiting Toshiba's Regza AT300 tablet, you're going to have to hold your breath a touch longer. The 10.1-inch, Japan-only slate is going to miss its expected June arrival, and ship in late July instead. That extra tedious trip to market could be worth it, though: when the AT300 finally does land in Akihabara, it'll come with Android 3.1 and all of its resizable widgets on board. But don't expect any surprises, hardware-wise: it'll still pack Tegra 2, a 5 megapixel rear-facing camera, and those full-sized HDMI and USB ports that can make a nerd's heart sing. Makes sense to us, since the Thrive -- the same tablet for the US market -- was already slated to ship with the latest version of Honeycomb. Fair's fair, right?

Toshiba's Regza AT300 tablet for the Japanese market delayed until late July, will ship with Android 3.1

Toshiba Regza AT300 tablet

To any of our Japanese readers who've been impatiently awaiting Toshiba's Regza AT300 tablet, you're going to have to hold your breath a touch longer. The 10.1-inch, Japan-only slate is going to miss its expected June arrival, and ship in late July instead. That extra tedious trip to market could be worth it, though: when the AT300 finally does land in Akihabara, it'll come with Android 3.1 and all of its resizable widgets on board. But don't expect any surprises, hardware-wise: it'll still pack Tegra 2, a 5 megapixel rear-facing camera, and those full-sized HDMI and USB ports that can make a nerd's heart sing. Makes sense to us, since the Thrive -- the same tablet for the US market -- was already slated to ship with the latest version of Honeycomb. Fair's fair, right?

Toshiba's quad-core Satellite L750D goes on sale for $699 as one of the first available Llano laptops

Toshiba's quad-core Satellite L750D

When AMD came clean with its Fusion A-Series platform, the outfit was quick to admit that some manufacturers have already started slipping these hybrid CPU / GPU chips into their spankin' new PCs. Still, at this early stage we still haven't spotted many of 'em -- if anything, we have a better idea what's on tap for later this summer. But here we have the Toshiba Satellite L750D-ST4N01, the first available Llano-packing notebook we've seen since the A-Series' launch. At $699, this 15.6-incher might seem like a forgettable system with its 4GB of RAM, 640GB 5400RPM hard drive, 1366 x 768 panel, and three USB 2.0 ports. Heck, Toshiba barely even gave the L series lip service when it announced a slew of laptops last week. But, what makes this seemingly ho-hum machine special is that it packs AMD's mid-range quad-core A6-3400M chip and an AMD Radeon HD 6520G graphics core -- a combination that adds just $10 to the cost over a similarly configured Satellite L755-S5258 with a dual-core Core i5-2410M processor and integrated Intel graphics. The L750D isn't for you? The deluge of A-Series systems hasn't even begun yet, friends. And while the jury's still out on real-world battery performance, this should make it crystal clear that if nothing else, AMD is taking no prisoners when it comes to pricing.

Toshiba's quad-core Satellite L750D goes on sale for $699 as one of the first available Llano laptops

Toshiba's quad-core Satellite L750D

When AMD came clean with its Fusion A-Series platform, the outfit was quick to admit that some manufacturers have already started slipping these hybrid CPU / GPU chips into their spankin' new PCs. Still, at this early stage we still haven't spotted many of 'em -- if anything, we have a better idea what's on tap for later this summer. But here we have the Toshiba Satellite L750D-ST4N01, the first available Llano-packing notebook we've seen since the A-Series' launch. At $699, this 15.6-incher might seem like a forgettable system with its 4GB of RAM, 640GB 5400RPM hard drive, 1366 x 768 panel, and three USB 2.0 ports. Heck, Toshiba barely even gave the L series lip service when it announced a slew of laptops last week. But, what makes this seemingly ho-hum machine special is that it packs AMD's mid-range quad-core A6-3400M chip and an AMD Radeon HD 6520G graphics core -- a combination that adds just $10 to the cost over a similarly configured Satellite L755-S5258 with a dual-core Core i5-2410M processor and integrated Intel graphics. The L750D isn't for you? The deluge of A-Series systems hasn't even begun yet, friends. And while the jury's still out on real-world battery performance, this should make it crystal clear that if nothing else, AMD is taking no prisoners when it comes to pricing.

Canon takes a cue from Pentax, starts selling the T3 in assorted colors

EOS Rebel T3

Well, looky here, Canon just let its hair down. The company was clearly in an experimental mood, and got the harebrained idea that consumers just might snap up red and brown DSLRs the way they do its candy-colored point-and-shoots. The outfit's now selling its beginner-friendly EOS Rebel T3 in red, brown, and metallic gray -- all in addition to your garden-variety black, of course. Sure, that's tame by Pentax's wacky standards, but for Canon it's pretty... outlandish. Since the camera went on sale this spring, its price has dropped from $599 to a promotional $549 for the kit, which includes an EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 zoom II lens. As for the body, if you'll recall, it has a 12.2 megapixel sensor that records 720p video (a rarity for an entry-level model), a nine-point autofocus system, ISO 100 to 6,400, and a 63-zone dual-metering system. Novices who just want to be different can, as always, hit up the source link for more info.

Canon takes a cue from Pentax, starts selling the T3 in assorted colors

EOS Rebel T3

Well, looky here, Canon just let its hair down. The company was clearly in an experimental mood, and got the harebrained idea that consumers just might snap up red and brown DSLRs the way they do its candy-colored point-and-shoots. The outfit's now selling its beginner-friendly EOS Rebel T3 in red, brown, and metallic gray -- all in addition to your garden-variety black, of course. Sure, that's tame by Pentax's wacky standards, but for Canon it's pretty... outlandish. Since the camera went on sale this spring, its price has dropped from $599 to a promotional $549 for the kit, which includes an EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 zoom II lens. As for the body, if you'll recall, it has a 12.2 megapixel sensor that records 720p video (a rarity for an entry-level model), a nine-point autofocus system, ISO 100 to 6,400, and a 63-zone dual-metering system. Novices who just want to be different can, as always, hit up the source link for more info.

Japan speeding ahead with 500km/h Maglev train

Maglev train

Traveling the 515 km (320 miles) from Tokyo to Osaka by Shinkansen bullet train currently requires 2 hours and 25 minutes (and costs a small fortune, too). Come 2045, travel between Japan's two largest metro areas will take just over one hour, following the launch of the country's longest maglev track, which just received construction approval from Tokyo. The nine trillion yen project (approximately $112 billion) was first proposed in the 1970s, but was tabled indefinitely due to its astronomical costs, most of which stem from an extensive network of tunnels that will represent 60 percent of the route. You'll be able to get your Japanese Maglev fix beginning in 2027, when the Central Japan Railway launches its high-speed route between Tokyo and Nagoya. One notable neighbor to the west is already operating its own maglev train. China's Shanghai Transrapid has been blasting riders to Pudong airport since 2004, and once achieved a top speed of 501km/h (311 mph). The country is also constructing a 1000km/h vacuum-based train that it plans to launch within the next few years.

Japan speeding ahead with 500km/h Maglev train

Maglev train

Traveling the 515 km (320 miles) from Tokyo to Osaka by Shinkansen bullet train currently requires 2 hours and 25 minutes (and costs a small fortune, too). Come 2045, travel between Japan's two largest metro areas will take just over one hour, following the launch of the country's longest maglev track, which just received construction approval from Tokyo. The nine trillion yen project (approximately $112 billion) was first proposed in the 1970s, but was tabled indefinitely due to its astronomical costs, most of which stem from an extensive network of tunnels that will represent 60 percent of the route. You'll be able to get your Japanese Maglev fix beginning in 2027, when the Central Japan Railway launches its high-speed route between Tokyo and Nagoya. One notable neighbor to the west is already operating its own maglev train. China's Shanghai Transrapid has been blasting riders to Pudong airport since 2004, and once achieved a top speed of 501km/h (311 mph). The country is also constructing a 1000km/h vacuum-based train that it plans to launch within the next few years.

Nokia's N9 official: a luscious slab of MeeGo coming later this year


Stephen Elop said that Nokia would unveil its first MeeGo device this year, and he just made good on his word with the N9 (also known as Lankku). Just as we spotted earlier, the N9 is a solid slab of 3.9-inch AMOLED screen (854 x 480) sans a keyboard or physical switches of any kind (well, aside from that oh-so-necessary volume rocker and camera button). The phone comes with 16GB or 64GB of onboard memory and 1GB of RAM wrapped in a polycarbonate shell that's colored all the way through, so dings and scratches won't show -- unless the wounds run deep, of course. An OMAP3630 1 Ghz processor does the computing while a PowerVR SGX530 GPU is around for graphical grunt work. Connectivity comes courtesy of quad-band GSM and penta-band WCDMA radios, plus Bluetooth 2.1, NFC, and GPS. There is also a dedicated camera button for the 8 megapixel wide-angle shooter, which is capable of aperture F2.2 for low light picture taking and true 16:9 720p video recording. Oh, and it's an AF shooter, not EDoF.

The entire thing measures 116.45- x 61.2- x 7.6-12.1mm and weighs 135 grams, with a battery capable of lasting up to 50 hours (music), 4.5 hours (720p video), or between seven and 11 hours (GSM yappin'). You'll also get gratis turn-by-turn drive and walk navigation with voice guidance in Maps, a dedicated Drive app, proximity sensor and a choice of hue: black, cyan, and magenta. Other hardware specs include 802.11a/b/g/n WiFi, an ambient light sensor, compass, orientation sensor, a micro SIM slot, tethering support and a 3.5mm "AV connector." It'll be humming along on MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan, with apps being compliant with Qt 4.7 and HTML5 support bundled in.


As for software? Aside from Angry Birds Magic, Galaxy on Fire 2, Real Golf 2011 and OpenGL ES 2.0, those who take the plunge will be greeted with a Webkit2-based browser, pinch-to-zoom support, unified notifications for Facebook, Twitter and RSS feeds in the Events view as well as social networking profiles and status updates merged into phone contacts. MeeGo touts a user interface simplified to three home views -- events, applications and open apps -- with a swipe gesture able to take you back to the home view. For those looking to expand upon what's loaded from the factory, Ovi Store access is included, but we've no idea what kind of pricing will be affixed. We'll be getting a fair bit of hands-on time with this guy in just a few hours, so keep it locked here for our first impressions!

Nokia's N9 official: a luscious slab of MeeGo coming later this year


Stephen Elop said that Nokia would unveil its first MeeGo device this year, and he just made good on his word with the N9 (also known as Lankku). Just as we spotted earlier, the N9 is a solid slab of 3.9-inch AMOLED screen (854 x 480) sans a keyboard or physical switches of any kind (well, aside from that oh-so-necessary volume rocker and camera button). The phone comes with 16GB or 64GB of onboard memory and 1GB of RAM wrapped in a polycarbonate shell that's colored all the way through, so dings and scratches won't show -- unless the wounds run deep, of course. An OMAP3630 1 Ghz processor does the computing while a PowerVR SGX530 GPU is around for graphical grunt work. Connectivity comes courtesy of quad-band GSM and penta-band WCDMA radios, plus Bluetooth 2.1, NFC, and GPS. There is also a dedicated camera button for the 8 megapixel wide-angle shooter, which is capable of aperture F2.2 for low light picture taking and true 16:9 720p video recording. Oh, and it's an AF shooter, not EDoF.

The entire thing measures 116.45- x 61.2- x 7.6-12.1mm and weighs 135 grams, with a battery capable of lasting up to 50 hours (music), 4.5 hours (720p video), or between seven and 11 hours (GSM yappin'). You'll also get gratis turn-by-turn drive and walk navigation with voice guidance in Maps, a dedicated Drive app, proximity sensor and a choice of hue: black, cyan, and magenta. Other hardware specs include 802.11a/b/g/n WiFi, an ambient light sensor, compass, orientation sensor, a micro SIM slot, tethering support and a 3.5mm "AV connector." It'll be humming along on MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan, with apps being compliant with Qt 4.7 and HTML5 support bundled in.


As for software? Aside from Angry Birds Magic, Galaxy on Fire 2, Real Golf 2011 and OpenGL ES 2.0, those who take the plunge will be greeted with a Webkit2-based browser, pinch-to-zoom support, unified notifications for Facebook, Twitter and RSS feeds in the Events view as well as social networking profiles and status updates merged into phone contacts. MeeGo touts a user interface simplified to three home views -- events, applications and open apps -- with a swipe gesture able to take you back to the home view. For those looking to expand upon what's loaded from the factory, Ovi Store access is included, but we've no idea what kind of pricing will be affixed. We'll be getting a fair bit of hands-on time with this guy in just a few hours, so keep it locked here for our first impressions!

Eizo industrial monitor does 4K resolution at 36-inches, start saving now

Eizo DuraVision

Looking for a display that can do justice to all that 4K footage you've been shooting on your Red One or Arri Alexa lately? Okay, perhaps not. But if you were, then the DuraVision FDH3601 from Eizo Nanao could handle it easily with 4096 x 2160 pixels spread over 36.4-inches of LED-backlit real estate. It comes with another big number too: a price tag of ¥2.88 million ($36,000), which gently hints at the fact that this beast is primarily aimed at specialist industrial applications. Eizo claims it's perfect for air traffic control, where staff can make full use of specs like "Digital Uniformity Correction" circuitry to compensate for uneven color or brightness, motion sensors to power the monitor on or off as needed, and a stand that can be minutely adjusted to get the perfect angle. Suddenly, despite the heavy burden of responsibility and the fact that you have to keep your phone switched off all the time, that career choice seems almost worth it.

Eizo industrial monitor does 4K resolution at 36-inches, start saving now

Eizo DuraVision

Looking for a display that can do justice to all that 4K footage you've been shooting on your Red One or Arri Alexa lately? Okay, perhaps not. But if you were, then the DuraVision FDH3601 from Eizo Nanao could handle it easily with 4096 x 2160 pixels spread over 36.4-inches of LED-backlit real estate. It comes with another big number too: a price tag of ¥2.88 million ($36,000), which gently hints at the fact that this beast is primarily aimed at specialist industrial applications. Eizo claims it's perfect for air traffic control, where staff can make full use of specs like "Digital Uniformity Correction" circuitry to compensate for uneven color or brightness, motion sensors to power the monitor on or off as needed, and a stand that can be minutely adjusted to get the perfect angle. Suddenly, despite the heavy burden of responsibility and the fact that you have to keep your phone switched off all the time, that career choice seems almost worth it.

Toshiba's 21.5-inch DX1215 all-in-one can accommodate even the largest fingers


Clearly sick and tired of watching all of the fun other companies have been having with their all-in-ones, Toshiba this week announced the DX1215, the company's first entry in the space for the US market. The 21.5-inch touchscreen desktop has two USB 3.0 ports (and four of the boring old 2.0 variety), an HDMI port, 1TB of storage, and built-in Onkyo speakers. The system ships with a wireless mouse and keyboard, and will be hitting Best Buy's stores and website exclusively on July 3rd, starting at $930 -- just in time for your Independence Day ketchup-covered fingerprints.

Toshiba's 21.5-inch DX1215 all-in-one can accommodate even the largest fingers


Clearly sick and tired of watching all of the fun other companies have been having with their all-in-ones, Toshiba this week announced the DX1215, the company's first entry in the space for the US market. The 21.5-inch touchscreen desktop has two USB 3.0 ports (and four of the boring old 2.0 variety), an HDMI port, 1TB of storage, and built-in Onkyo speakers. The system ships with a wireless mouse and keyboard, and will be hitting Best Buy's stores and website exclusively on July 3rd, starting at $930 -- just in time for your Independence Day ketchup-covered fingerprints.

Leica M9-P looks like it costs a fortune, doesn't disappoint

Leica M9-P

Leica's new M9-P digital rangefinder taps the till at $7,995 -- the same price the original M9 commanded when it was released in 2009 -- but you don't stay in the business of making pricey cameras for nearly a century without doing something right. The new version adds a virtually unbreakable sapphire crystal covering on the LCD, produced using diamond cutting tools, and an anti-reflective coating. The body includes a vulcanite leatherette body finish, for a more secure grip, but curiously lacks the familiar red Leica logo and M9 lettering on the front, in line with the camera's elegant "minimalist styling." Beyond that, the P includes the same full-frame 18 megapixel sensor featured on the M9, an "almost silent" shutter, and is compatible with Leica's full range of astronomically expensive M lenses. The M9-P will be available in black or chrome for $7,995 beginning next month, or $15,990 for two -- since we know you're planning to buy both.

Leica M9-P looks like it costs a fortune, doesn't disappoint

Leica M9-P

Leica's new M9-P digital rangefinder taps the till at $7,995 -- the same price the original M9 commanded when it was released in 2009 -- but you don't stay in the business of making pricey cameras for nearly a century without doing something right. The new version adds a virtually unbreakable sapphire crystal covering on the LCD, produced using diamond cutting tools, and an anti-reflective coating. The body includes a vulcanite leatherette body finish, for a more secure grip, but curiously lacks the familiar red Leica logo and M9 lettering on the front, in line with the camera's elegant "minimalist styling." Beyond that, the P includes the same full-frame 18 megapixel sensor featured on the M9, an "almost silent" shutter, and is compatible with Leica's full range of astronomically expensive M lenses. The M9-P will be available in black or chrome for $7,995 beginning next month, or $15,990 for two -- since we know you're planning to buy both.

Bristol is renting her house out

From Hollywood Gossip

Just six months after dropping $172,000 in cash for a home in Arizona, and just weeks after Sarah Palin reportedly bought her own house in Arizona to keep tabs on her, Bristol Palin is peacing out of the Grand Canyon State.

Bristol's Maricopa, Az., pad is now for rent at $1,400/month if you're interested.

"Yes, it is for rent, but I have no further comment," Bristol Palin tells E! News.

Sarah's eldest daughter will be starring in a new reality show focusing on her making the move to L.A., where she and son Tripp will cohabitate with brothers Kyle and Christopher Massey and work at a charity.

Bristol is reportedly dating Kyle Massey and Sarah Palin is reportedly livid.
The five-bedroom, 3,900-SF pad she purchased back in December went on the market this week, said Nate Martinez of RE/MAX Professionals.

Like the mind of Sarah, it sounds like it's been empty for some time.

"She was living in it, I don't know how long, I didn't sell it to her," Martinez tells E! News. "When I listed the home it was already vacated."

Well, well, well!
Wonder if the money pipeline is drying up.   She's done with Candie's, other than her "reality show" with the Massey brothers and her book which I heard sales have been slow, makes me think she's running out of money.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Elan Frank's video on Sarah Palin

and an e-mail from him:

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 1:42 PM
To: Leighow; Sharon W (GOV)
Cc: Governor Sarah Palin (GOV sponsored)
Subject: Fwd: To Gov. Palin

Hi Sharon,

I CC'd you to this e-mail earlier. Let me know if I can be of any help with the footage I have . The footage I have and my approach present the governor in a bright and positive light , and can be very helpful. You can direct news agency's to me, J will make sure they get only the very good stuff. We can also think of perhaps creating a film about her , with what I already have and more we can shoot between now and the elections. I was approached by NBC for footage, and I want to be coordinated with the governor of what I release to them.

I love her and what she stands for and want to make sure she is shown only in the most positive way.
Please convey my e-mails to her and let me know if and how we can cooperate.

Elan Frank
Exec. Producer
Looks like Elan is on the deception too.  I hope he gets deported back to Israel.
My Ping in