Sunday, June 5, 2011

John Edwards

As all of you know by now John Edwards was indicted for misusing campaign funds to hide his mistress and illegitimate daughter.  For me personally I was disappointed in his behavior because I supported him early in the 2008 Election until he dropped out.  While I am not defending him or his actions it bugs me he could go to prison while Sarah Palin who is the devil's child will skate.

The Dems always get prosecuted or forced to resign while the Republicans skate.


Bill Clinton-impeached for lying about a blow job and convicted of perjury while Newt Gingrich was fucking around on his wife
Elliot Spitzer-resigned after it was reported he was patronizing hookers.
Rod Blagoevich-impeached and removed from his IL governership over corruption
Jim McGreevey-resigned over his affair with his gay lover who he gave a prime state job to

Richard Nixon-resigned but never went to jail over Watergate
Ronald Reagan-nothing happened to him over Iran-Contra but many members of his administration went to jail
Mark Sanford-admitted to having an affair but never resigned from his SC governership
David Vitter-like Elliot Spitzer patronized hookers but is still a Senator
Newt Gingrich-multiple affairs but is now running for President
George W. Bush-started two wars illegally but is a free man
Dick Cheney-see above

And this is why I vote Democrat

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