Thursday, June 2, 2011

Willow and Piper Palin are brats, you can thank Sarah and Todd for that.

According to Gryphen from Immoral Minority, Willow was suspended from Colony High School for misbehavior issues.  Grandma Sally Heath rounded up some of her retired teacher friends to home school Willow but Willow was so nasty with them they all quit, and Colony refused to re-admit her, so now you can label her a high school dropout.

Piper is enrolled at Cottonwood Elementary in the Mat-Su School District, but her attendance has been very poor (gee I wonder why) and according to staff there she has quite the Diva attitude. Her attendance has been so bad Cottonwood officials may have to kick her out as well. They have an attendance policy where if you miss too much you will be dropped from their enrollment roster.

Recently during Sarah's vacation/campaign tour Piper shoved a reporter.

Kids learn their behavior from their parents, and Todd is quite the bully as you can see here and here. .

Sarah did have Piper apologize however:

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